Saturday, November 22, 2008

when i leave the room to go clean another room


  1. Awwww...could she be any cuter?

  2. Mom, she's waking up. Can I hold her?

  3. I know this sounds REALLY BAD...but I keep forgetting about that little darling girl!!!
    She is a DOLL!

  4. I love it when they do that...the sweet little hands, the yummy!

  5. I love that! She's beautiful!

  6. Love those cheeks! She is so cute.

  7. We have the same exersaucer (which we refer to as "Mission Control"), and the same sized baby to go in it. She's so cute!

  8. Ohhh..That is such a cute picture, she has grown so much!... I don't know if I mentioned before but my Husband started reading your blog. I didn't know until he asked who "Formerly Phread" is, then I explained it was you, not I that I think you twso have met. But the funny thing to me is he only reads a couple blogs, yours and one of my other friends because he thinks they are so funny and interesting. -He never looks at his sister's because he says her's isn't nearly as interesting or witty. -So that's my compliment to you, kinda long, huh? Hat's off to you for having an awesome blog and mind!!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.