Friday, January 23, 2009


From the artist: it took a long time, i wanted it to be perfect. by perfect i mean, just how i imagined it, and how i imagined it is very imperfect. it's meant to be a symbolic quilt. the lines aren't straight, the quilting is random, the plus signs are wonky and that's because life doesn't always go the way we planned it to. but together, with our loves and friends and family, we can make it through anything (the plus signs). the colors are meant to symbolize that we can get through all those trials that will come our way with love and beauty.
the plus signs. i cut two at a time and shuffled the pieces so as to make them all different, wonky, and all sizes, while wasting NO fabric and still only having to sew straight rows.
Donated by: Kelly McCaleb


  1. you have got to be kidding me, this quilt should be going for like $300 or so. it's awesome

  2. i am so sorry to have missed the bidding for this lovely quilt. i'm in awe of how much time and love must have gone into the making!

  3. bummer, I missed it too... Definitely a beautiful donation... I too, would have given a bid... I hope the bidding continued at the live auction...

  4. The online portion of the auction is now CLOSED.
