Friday, January 23, 2009

NIE AUCTION ITEM #90 - Scherenschnitte (papercutting) Artwork

From the artist: "This is the papercut I'd like to submit. It's of a Samuel Beckett quote, "No matter, try again. Fail again, fail better." I saw this quote while I was in London and thought it was kind of depressing, but encouraging at the same time. There are so many things that we fail at that may destroy our will to continue trying them, but try them again we must and if we fail again, it is with more knowledge than when we failed the first time.

I have been doing Scherenschnitte (papercutting) for about two and a half years now. It's a traditional artform of cutting paper into silhouettes. This one took me about 4 hours to create."

Donated by: Cindy Ferguson

Value: $80