Thursday, March 26, 2009


I read the first three Stupid Vampire Books.

Last night I watched the first Stupid Vampire Movie.

I didn't like it.

It's not because it wasn't like the book; I'm a big believer in The Book Is The Book And The Movie Is The Movie.

This morning I remembered that I'm not 15, so the movie wasn't made for me.

I really want to read the fourth Stupid Vampire Book.

Why? I can't know.

Wanna loan it to me?


  1. Wasn't the scene in the supposed sun...where Edward is supposed to sparkle... pathetic?

    Did they just slather shimmer lotion on him?

    I stopped really enjoying the series by book 3/4.

    Now if they made a movie with Hugh Jackman as Edward...I might go gaga

  2. You didn't think the movie was funny? Girl, I howled with laughter. My sides hurt.

    I understand the compulsion to finish a series even though you're angry at it. So go ahead, read it, I just don't have it to loan.

  3. Is the last one Breaking Dawn? I have it. You can borrow it. I understand wanting to read it but not why- that was me too. The movie wasn't great. I did laugh though.

  4. If you don't like the series by the end of the 3rd book, the forth book will not help the cause. Good luck :)

  5. I too have read the vampire books, and if you told me you needed #4 when you were here in New York I would have loaned it to you!! I can't believe you were so close - I'm glad you had a fun weekend. Back to the books, 4 is good but not as good as 3. And I am a movie hold out, I don't want to see it. Reading the books was good enough for me.

  6. May God have mercy on your soul.

  7. Wait, I thought the fourth one was actually the first one from Edward's point of view. If so, you can read it on Stephenie's site.

  8. I guess I am lame...I loved the books and the movie. Haha...I guess that I am still 17 at heart...

  9. Couldn't get through even the first book---too lame.

    And I saw the preview for the movie and laughed out loud in the theatre---it was soooo cheesy.

    So, I guess I DON'T have a book you can borrow?

  10. The movie was lame not only bc it was for 15 yr olds, but it was made like in 50 days or something. I think NEW MOON will be better. (More Jacob! I ♥ him. Not the Shark Boy kid playing him, but whatever...)

    I have Breaking Dawn, but I'm sure there's 10000000 copies closer to you. I liked parts of the last book- especially the whole "Jacob" book. YAY!

  11. Didn't get through the 3rd one because I was too disappointed in all the reading I had to do and then there was no naughty sex scene. All that tension and nothing. Such a downer.

    As much as the books weren't for me, I did think the movie was pretty true to the book.

  12. I have the book and I'm right around the corner. Still need a copy?

  13. Thanks, Diane -- I've already borrowed it from Kaerlig. This book is giving me vertigo.


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