Tuesday, April 14, 2009

how to keep the 2 year old from opening the fridge


  1. how to drive mom crazy every time she needs to open the fridge

  2. Joe and I took a vote and this was our decision:

    1. Proximo would laugh at your attempt to incapacitate fridge.
    2. Proximo would take devilish delight in unwinding the cord.
    3. Open bottle of fish sauce and four slices of cheese on floor.
    3. Time elapsed: 3 minutes.

  3. haha. Sammy would unwind it...she is a stinker that way. That is too funny.

  4. Do those come in blue?

    Seriously, that's one place they need to figure out how to lock and keep kids out of. [sometimes]

  5. I don't know how to do links any better than this, but this looks like a less complicated option: http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=534470&parentCategoryId=85183&categoryId=85216&subCategoryId=86199. We'll be getting one very soon!!

  6. love this!!!!

    I was just telling a gf the other week that we used velcro strips to keep our kids (four at the moment) out of our fridge for years...but I see this is much more creative. ;)

    PS: found you on MM blogs. Your blog is sweet!!


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