Sunday, May 17, 2009

saturday evenings


  1. So much fun. So much fun I came twice!

    And I love your backyard. All you need now are some baby kittens...and baby chickens...and...

  2. I SO missed out! Booooo!

  3. Looks like quite the party :)

  4. Made me SUPER hungry! I want a barbecue.

  5. who are these attractive people? I mean honestly, this is like a spread out of country living or something.

    And also, I want to know what my spouse is saying in that picture. Maybe we should have a "caption that photo" contest, eh?

    It could be good, I'm just sayin...

  6. REEEEEALLY wish I were there.

  7. cw - I'm so glad you and your crew could come. I wish I would have had more energy to be a better hostess by the end of the night.

    b. - I was waiting for you! I hope all is well. I miss you.

    c - not bad for giving people a day to include us in their plans, no? I love when friends come in from out of state.

    shawn - just say the word next time you're in my neck of the woods. (I'm on the Other Side Of The Tracks from Hailey.)

    kallik - I'm going to go with... "My uterus is acting up again."

    lucky - just come on home!

  8. I'm a-lookin' and I'm a-likin'! We love to host BBQs, too.

  9. How cute is the photo of the kids heading over the fence. . .love it. S-A-TUR-DAY NIGHT!

  10. That was one of the best parties I have ever been to. Serio.

    Also, I am in love of that picture of me and W. Because it reminds me that we are in love.

  11. I'm so sad that I couldn't make it! By the time we got Atticus's party cleaned up, it was time to go to Stake Conference. After that, I was so exhausted I just went to bed. (sigh) I hope you do this again next time La Yen is in town. I think I'm the only person in blog land who has not met her IRL. Next time, for sure!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.