Thursday, May 07, 2009

springtime stream

NOw is the month of may-ing when merry lads are play-ing . . .

Decided it's time to write some more. Blogging can be hard. Not the scrapbooking part, the writing part. the part that doesn't go back to capitalize the part of the sentence. The part that ignores the fact that people read this blog, because however many, or however few, they're people. And I try not to offend. Really.

Speaking of not offending, I have a couple of things going on which seem to offend. One is that I sometimes wear this shirt:

I don't wear it very much. Mainly to the gym or to bed. But sometimes people see it. I mean, when I go to the gym people see it. Strangers have come up to me and asked me where I got that shirt, and I tell them, and then they laugh and say it's great. But when people I know see me wearing it, they don't laugh. Is it really that unfunny? I think it's superfunny. Also, I don't like to wear tshirts which say clever things -- I wish I did, I really do, because I think there are some really, really clever and funny tshirts in existence. But I don't.

Another thing going on is the fact that I haven't washed my hair since April 10th. If someone told me that they did that, I'd smile and tell them that it's cool. Because I think it's cool. At the least, it's interesting. Unfortunately for me, as the receiver of reactions in this particular scenario, the responses I get are people with That's-So-Gross look in their eyes accompanied by a question mark above their head. Yes, it is gross. Smells kind of gross, too. and I don't know why I'm doing it, only that I was inspired to do so while we were in Washington. I don't know how long I'm going to do it, either, except that I feel like I'll do it until at least the end of this month. We'll see. It's actually quite enjoyable for me -- it's so easy.

I'm yelling at my kids less often, though my neighbors might not agree (windows open).

Went to a baby shower tonight. Lovely weather, lovely company, lovely decor and food.


It's now the next morning. You ever write posts like this?

Fa la la la LA! Fa la la la la la la la La la la la LA!


  1. I would laugh (for the right reasons) if I saw you in that t-shirt! And I have only admiration for you for not washing your hair since April 10th, I can't last more than one day!

  2. I guess as long as you don't make/ mind if your kids wash their hair or not, you are good to go, or else they might throw that card at you someday ;)

    I find the shirt funny, but then again I am from california ;)


  3. I hope you're at least wearing birks to explain the non-hairwashing. Let me know if you want some help putting a few beads in...

  4. I would put the shirt in the superfunny category. But only in Utah. If I wore that shirt here, people wouldn't get it. And it wouldn't be funny.

  5. My daughter never washes her hair---she tells me that its a choice and kind of a new hippie movement---but I love HER anyway!

  6. Did you quit shaving your legs & pits too?

  7. You could wear a BARREL and not wash your hair for THREE months and I would
    still think you were funny and I would still love you.

  8. people in UT would get this shirt, but where I live, probably not...much at least. Still, I think it's a pretty funny shirt. It's helps to remember that we Mormons have a funny bone, hmm? ;)

  9. I think the shirt is really funny. Especially on you- anyone who knows you should think it is funny. As for your hair, you & James are the same person. Just in a different century on this spoint.

  10. Whatevs. Where is MY baby button?

  11. Does X96 still have that shirt available? I want one!

    I miss listening to RFH and X96! Arizona does not have a good alternative station.

  12. Brian - yes, I do believe it's still available., go to the XMarket.

  13. Ok... so the hair thing... I washed mine 1 time in 59 when i was at Anasazi. It was kinda cool...

    Do you get it wet or anything??

    Word verf: butthol


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.