Monday, June 22, 2009

calculated, belated blog birthday

So today ye olde bloggg
(which is to say, my blog)
is 4 years old.
Came to be whilst I was in NY with my children,
visiting and preparing for my 10-year class reunion.
It's interesting to go back.
Like reading an old journal.
(ie, Did I seriously think that way? )
My friend Stephanie is she who got me bloggin' in the first place.
In fact, she was one of two commenters on my very first post.
I have a celebration for you, my readers-n-friends, forthcoming.
Patience, grasshoppers.


  1. 4 years of bloggin, you held out long time :)


  2. Wow, to think that the Class of '95 inspired you so much as to make you want to blog about us...just brings a tear to the eye. =)

  3. speakin of the class of '95 did you know Charles Hampton has twins?
    and I am glad you stayed with blogging. I enjoy yours posts--most of the time.

  4. congrats. I love your blog. You are the one who convinced me to start blogging....not really...but i LOVE your blog.

  5. You would think that having a blog all this time would have made you a better writer. I mean, you are a GOOD writer, but, you know, you could be better. With as much practice as you have had. I mean, I love you. And your brother.

  6. ohh now I want a grasshopper shake...

  7. Ferdinand the bull23 June, 2009 10:15

    Your blog is great. Almost as great as pictures of sweet bovine loving. Actually, if you posted MORE SBL your blog would then be great. I would read it then.

  8. Wow! 4 years! Go you! I'm so glad you blog because I enjoy reading your posts. Really.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.