Wednesday, June 24, 2009

celebrate Nie's bday!

click to enlarge

Friends, I happen to be leavin' on a jet plane ear-lye in the mornin' to be in NY for my cousin Meg's wedding. She and Roonie have been together for such a long time, they certainly seem to be meant for each other, and I'm so excited to be able to go. (By myself, in a hotel, to sleeeeep...)

But enough bragging. I will be missing out on an awesome birthday celebration for our dear Nie. Megan, the Sweet Tooth Fairy, will be donating all proceeds from the delicious VaNIElla Squared cupcake sold at her shop this Saturday, June 27th (11-7), to the Nielson Family and the Arizona Burn Center.
Now, let me tell you: the cake bites are a li'l pieces of heaven. And today I tried a homemade Ding-Dong that promptly put me into a diabetic coma of bliss. And you should try all these treats and more (I'm waiting...waiting...waiting for the day when she makes another batch of the no-bake pb fudge). But on Saturday, this Saturday, stock up on the VaNIElla. Get some for post-Sunday dinner, and don't forget a few for Family Night treats (The Sweet Tooth Fairy Bake Shop is closed on Sundays and Mondays).
Then go back on Tuesday to get some more goodies. I'll be there.


  1. love it...and loooove you. thank you so much!!!

  2. I'm so glad you get to go (both to the wedding and to the hotel to sleep)!

    I will still be out of town and won't be able to get to the party, but will somebody out there buy (and then eat) an extra cupcake for Nie from me? And wish her a big Happy Birthday both from me and from my Kyle who still prays for Stephanie and Christian every day. He is the most faithful pray-er I know.


  3. That's so close I can WALK there. How did I not put it together before? Thanks for the heads-up.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.