Wednesday, July 01, 2009

GIVEAWAY #2 - $50 Costco Cash Card

I'm doing this giveaway based on
Things In Which I Believe.

I believe in Families, and in Getting A Good Deal. I have a big family, and so I look for extra-good deals. Buying wholesale comes to mind, no? Back when I had just one kid, and we lived in an apartment, a Costco Warehouse opened in my area. At first, I wondered why, with one child and minimum storage space, we'd want a membership, but then I realized that even buying things like toilet paper or laundry detergent was worth the membership price. Now that I've got 5 kids and a house, Costco is usually my first stop for the essentials. Milk, bread, fruit, cheese, diapers & wipes, flowers, toothpaste, paper towels, etc., etc., etc.. I'm there, with 5 kids in tow, two carts, happy day.

YOU CAN ENTER UP TO TEN* TIMES AND IT'S SUPER EASY. Here's how you win (yes, I totally bogarted this format from giveawaytoday):

First Entry: Comment with your name.
Example: Joe Blow.
Second Entry: Comment with your name
and what you would buy with the $50 at Costco.
Example: Joe Blow. I would get the hummus because
I've heard wonderful things about it. I'd also
buy some fresh roses to give to my neighbor,
and then I'd buy some string cheese
and chocolate milk for the kids
and a few magazines for myself.
Third Entry (worth 3* entries): Comment with your name
and then blog (facebook, twitter) about this post.*
Example: Joe Blow. Twitter.
(*technically, you could blog about it
AND tweet about it AND fb it,
and that would be, um, let's see...math's hard...
NINE entries instead of three??
But you'd have to come back each time
and tell me that you did so.)
Fourth Entry (worth 5 entries): Comment with your name
and tell me that you've added my blog button to your blog.
Example: Joe Blow. Button.

This giveaway will be open until Thursday, July 2nd, 2009, at 11:59 pm MDT. The winner will be announced here on this blog on Friday, July 3nd, 2009.

Good luck!


  1. The first one to comment oh la la I feel special.

    Well let me tell you what I would buy it on if I am being really honest...

    I am on this weird hcg detox and as soon as I am done I am stuffing a whole chocolate cake down from costco in one night, watch me I kid you not.

    With the rest of it I would buy some proscuitto and a big can of freshly grated parm regg.

  2. Vanessa ( I think I am messing up how I am spsd to do this..pretend my first comment came second and also had my name at the beg.)

  3. Vanessa---of course I have added your button to my blog

  4. Vanessa---I twittered about it, heck yes @inevergrewup and I got like 7000 followers woot woot!!

  5. I'm so entering this giveaway!

  6. dalene--

    I'm starting to beef up my food storage at the moment, so that's first on my Costco shopping list. I'd like to supplement the whole wheat and powdered milk I just canned at the cannery with things we actually eat. And of course I'd save some room in my shopping cart for some Dutch cocoa and real vanilla for baking something fabulous. My mantra for hard times is "Let us eat cake!"

    (I'll be back for more entries later--I like to mix it up a bit.)

  7. Lisa again. I would buy stuff for the 4th of July breakfast. (Are you coming? You can park in my driveway.)
    Then, I will have to steal your idea and buy flowers for Azucar...have you seen her post today? (You can deliver them for me so she doesn't think it's creepy.)

  8. I would buy flank steak. It's my favorite summer bbq treat and hard to find at other stores.

  9. Alex Candland- With 50 Bucks to costco, I would get diapers. I just had my third baby 7 weeks ago! And...a US weekly since they are so cheap there

  10. La Yen: I would buy Punchout for Wii. It is $45. I saw it there yesterday. And exercised restraint.

  11. I HAVE your button. Jeesh. You are so needy.

  12. Alex Candland- I grabbed your button and put it on my blog!

  13. Alex Candland- I did a tweet about this give away!

  14. Emily Hollingshead. I would buy diapers, diapers, and more diapers. I go through a lot of them these days.

  15. Emily Hollignshead. Blogged Baby.

  16. Emily Hollingshead. I don't know how to twitter...but I would if I knew how. Does that count?

  17. Emily Hollingshead. Button. Do I still get credit...I did this yesterday.

  18. you is making it so complicated for me to enters!

    I is Kalli.

  19. I would buy brie cheese, because who doesn't want a giant wheel of brie cheese?

  20. i NEED this. i would buy the necessities.

  21. Melanie Hess

    I would buy baby wipes with my gift card, and single serving hummus. . . because it really does make the perfect tasty afternoon snack.

  22. Kristie Carlson.

  23. Kristie Carlson.
    I would buy some bread and milk for my 16 children who haven't eaten in 22 days. I would buy a dollie for my daughter who is dying of cancer. Then I would buy some needle and thread to make something to sell and make some money to feed my family. And I am a single mother.

  24. Kristie Carlson. button

  25. Geo
    I would cash in on lots of rice milk and a bottle of olive oil to supplement our food storage.

  26. If I were to win the Costco gift card I would buy world peace for all mankind. Plus one of those big chocolate cakes.

  27. C Lewis
    Baby wipes, nobody does wipes like costco, and I had to buy sams club last time and they just don't compare.

  28. Heather Vincent
    I LOVE this give away!

  29. Heather Vincent
    I would buy diapers and wipeies for my baby.

  30. Heather Vincent
    I totally blogged about it!

  31. Heather Vincent
    I added your button to my blog! You are the first one I have added a button for!

  32. Tana Antoine.

    I'd buy formula, diapers and wipes. And chocolate. A lot of chocolate.

  33. Sue-donym (aka joe Blow)
    I would get the salmon and the scallops. Because I'm all about the BBQ this summer.

  34. Sue-donym
    I totally tweeted.

  35. sue-donym

    I hope I followed all the instructions properly. Math IS hard!

  36. April Young - I would buy Fat Free Kraft singles, 5lb bag of gummy bears, tons of teriyaki sauce, frozen pretzels and some ribs for the hubby. i heart Costco

  37. Yo... Queen Scarlett and I'm here to say... DUDE... COSTCO CASH. ;-)

  38. Heather Wright and I would buy diapers, those wonderful dried Mango slices and probably some lovely flowers just for fun.

  39. b.
    I have two birthdays. Hoss's and Syd's.
    Syd wants a big birthday bash in the backyard. So, I'd buy birthday party stuff.

  40. b. added your button. Because she like it and you.

  41. dalene

    I facebooked. You know, because I deleted my twitter account.

  42. Justine here. I love the fresh fruit. I'd buy lots of strawberries. Mostly because my strawberry patch produces strawberries the size of ants.

  43. Lisa V. C. I would buy awesome stuff. Like, awesome Greek Pasta Salad and frozen meatballs (have you tried them? I put them in everything!) And I would buy toliet paper because Hugh keeps flushing rolls of it down the toliet. And I would buy myself a churro and a drink at the end. You want one?

  44. Holly Stewart. I would buy 50 churros at the food court. Actually, 46 churros at the food court, plus tax.

  45. Holly Stewart. Facebook status update!

  46. I know this entry doesn't count, but it should...I also think that c-dub/dalene should re-instate her Twitter account.

  47. Entry 1: Carol Ezovski

  48. Entry #2: Carol Ezovski
    I would buy a couple packages of Baby Back Ribs (These babies are expensive, even at Costco) and invite the neighbors over for a BBQ!

  49. Entry #3: Carol Ezovski
    1) I blogged about this giveaway

  50. Nicole K.
    - I'd treat my sister to some yummy snacks(of her choice), 'cause her husband is a very poor pharmacy student.

  51. Entry #4: Carol Ezovski
    2) I blogged about this giveaway

  52. Entry #5: Carol Ezovski
    3) I blogged about this giveaway

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Entry #6: Carol Ezovski
    1) I posted your button on my blog

  55. Entry #7: Carol Ezovski
    2) I posted your button on my blog

  56. Entry #8: Carol Ezovski
    3) I posted your button on my blog

  57. Entry #9: Carol Ezovski
    4) I posted your button on my blog

  58. Entry #10: Carol Ezovski
    5) I posted your button on my blog

  59. Gerb. I would buy diapers and wipes (lame, I know, but those babies get PRICEY!!) and with the cash left over I would get myself some of those yummy sweet potato chips that start with "c" but I never buy because I'm a cheapskate and they are too mucho bucks for a bag of chips. If I still had $$ left I would get myself some chocolate muffins, which everyone knows are pretty much giant cupcakes and perfect for breakfasts in the pantry when no one else is looking.

  60. Gerb. I Facebooked about it because I don't understand twittering and tweeting. (It's okay, I don't really want to yet. I refused to sign up for FB forever ago, too.)

  61. Hmmm...diaper wipes, string cheese, laundry detergent, some kind of treat (not too exciting)

  62. Oh yes, I'm all over this.

    --Brown Thumb Mama (Gerb's cousin)

  63. And we have a burning need for a gigantic block of parmesan cheese at our house, among other delights.
