Thursday, July 02, 2009


**see post below for winners of this week's first giveaway**

I'm doing this giveaway based on
Things In Which I Believe.

I believe in Listening To My Body and Balance. Sometimes my body tells me to exercise, and sometimes my body tells me to eat chocolate. See? Balance.

(please to excuse this long-ish explanation, but read it)
You may or may not know that last November I signed up to workout at a local gym with a personal trainer, three times a week. My first trainer was a girl who I'll call . . . Jamilla. Jamilla is a pretty girl with a very nice body. As a female, I was hopeful that she'd be sensitive to my specific weight loss goals. Turns out, not-so-much. She kept saying how "This exercise will really help with what all females need work on, losing weight on the booty." Um. Again, you may or may not know that I am booty-less. Serio. I have puh-LENTY of weight to lose elsewhere, but my buns are just flat. Nothin' there. Plus, my kiddos were in the facility's daycare, and not doing well, and when I'd get paged to help my kids, Jamilla was not very compassionate ("They're fine, the workers in there can take care of them," or with a roll of her eyes, "Do they ALWAYS need you?"). Oh, Jamilla! (PS, stop whining to me about how "bad" you are because you didn't work out yesterday and now you can feel yourself gaining more weight -- I weigh double what you do and I don't want to hear it.) After a weeeeeeird experience where I was told that Jamilla had to jet off "to South America this morning for an emergency for an undetermined amount of time, and sorry she didn't call you to cancel your appointments" but then was at the gym two days later with no explanation, I asked for a different trainer. That's when I got Andy (which may or may not be his name, and it's actually his name), who said exactly 17 words the entire 4 months we worked together, and he was always watching himself in the mirrors and flexing. On the day that he just took off (yes, he just left, didn't say a word to indicate that he'd be doing so), I was told that I'd be assigned to John.


I don't know that I can adequately explain how awesome John is. He does so, so much more than just tell me how much to bench-press, or how many crunches to do. I have never felt judged or that I was inconveniencing him (which is great since, you know, it's his job) -- it's clear that he loves what he does. He didn't just ask me to write down what I eat and then tell me everything I was doing wrong, he talks WITH me about what I should be eating, WHEN, and WHY. He showed me his Ten Rules (oh, you'll LOVE the Ten Rules!), and is always telling me about articles that he's read about This New Technique or That New Diet (and then explains to me what's good and/or bad about those New Things). John's always looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of workouts -- he even initiated changing my workout sessions from 30 to 60 minutes, and it has made SO MUCH of a difference. He also understands the importance of resting, taking an entire session right before my first triathlon to show me some stretches and self-massage techniques that can (and did) help me, as well as go over what should be consumed right before and during the race. And, he's NICE. (Just don't ask him to count how many reps you've done because he's not counting.) (Just kidding, John.) (No, I'm not kidding.) Please check out his website, Do Performance and Fitness.

One of John's Ten Rules is that, regarding diet, The Rules don't apply 10% of the time. So, for my 10%, I make it count: no generic cookies cross my lips, no no, I only have the best. That's right, I go to The Sweet Tooth Fairy Bake Shop. (But you probably already know this about me.) Their Cake Bites (which were featured on Rachael Ray) are heaven in your mouth. The Wonderbars are my favorite today, but the Red Velvet cupcake will do in a pinch.

Now for the giveaway:

The winner will receive the following:
~ If you're local to John, you'll receive Three 1-hour personal training sessions. Those not along the Wasatch Front, have no fear, for you can also benefit from this giveaway: If you're not local, you will be the recipient of online training with John for workout analysis and/or nutrition counseling.
~a $30 Gift Card to The Sweet Tooth Fairy Bake Shop

YOU CAN ENTER UP TO SEVENTEEN* TIMES AND IT'S SUPER EASY. Here's how you win (yes, I totally bogarted this format from giveawaytoday):

First Entry: Comment with your name.
Example: Joe Blow.

Second Entry: Visit John Gibson's site, Do Performance and Fitness;
Comment with your name
and tell one thing you'd like to learn from John.
Example: Joe Blow. I would ask John how to help me lose the belly fat.

Third Entry: Visit The Sweet Tooth Fairy's site;
Comment with your name
and tell three treats you'd like to try.
Example: Joe Blow. The Double Fudge Cake Bites,
the Lemon cupcake, and the Oatmeal Cranberry Cookie.
Fourth Entry: Comment with your name
and then blog (facebook, twitter) about this post.*
Example: Joe Blow. Twitter.
(*technically, you could blog about it
AND tweet about it AND fb it,
and that would be, um, let's see...math's hard...
NINE entries instead of three??
But you'd have to come back each time
and tell me that you did so.)

Fifth Entry (worth 5 entries): Comment with your name
and tell me that you've added my blog button to your blog.
Example: Joe Blow. Button.

This giveaway will be open until Monday, July 6th, 2009, at 11:59 pm MDT. The winner will be announced here on this blog on Tuesday, July 7th, 2009.

Good Luck, and have a GREAT weekend!


  1. Emily Hollingshead. I would ask John how to help me make the inner part of my legs firm....and make my belly not giggle when I go running.

  2. Emily Hollingshead. I want to try the Key Lime Cupcake, the Chocolate Truffle Cookies, and the double chocolate fudge cake bites. My mouth is so watering.

  3. Emily Hollingshead. Blogged with links!

  4. Emily Hollingshead. I already added the cute button and hope it is increasing your traffic.

  5. natalie

    i added your button

  6. natalie

    i would love for john to help me with my running. i umm really just jog. but i would love to learn more endurance. i usually just stop when I'm tired.

  7. natalie

    at the STF i love the sugar cookies, the ones that taste a little like almond. i also love their chocolate cookies. i would bring the cake bites home for ethan. i really love the STF

  8. natalie

    i facebooked this giveaway

  9. natalie

    i'm on twitter and so is your giveaway

    (can you tell i really want to win!!?!)

  10. Katy - I like my trainer too. I had a girl at first and I did not like her. I'm not trying you win. I just want to say that I like this post and I agree with you about balance.

  11. Azucar. I would have him help me work on my Bulgarian wrestler arms.

  12. This is John (the trainer that doesn't count) So far the few questions I have read are very good. I can answer those. Keep it coming.

  13. Holly Stewart. I would like to learn how to run like an athlete. You can tell when someone is really a runner and when someone is just running.

  14. Holly Stewart. Cake Bites. Chocolate Dipped Oreos. Sugar Cookie.

  15. Holly Stewart. Facebook.

  16. 2nd entry = done. (Commented on John's site: help me eat better!)

    3rd entry = That's not fair! I just asked John to help me eat better! Oh well, 3rd entry = done. (Commented on Sweet Tooth's site: glazed almonds, oatmeal cranberry cookies, peanut butter cookies).

    4th entry = my blog

  17. 5th entry = Amanda Kemp. Added button

  18. dalene

    I visited his site and even signed up for his newsletter (do I get extra entries for that?).

    I would like to learn how to strengthen my core.

  19. dalene

    I'm a little slow about where I need to leave my comment, so I'll try both so as to get all my entries in).

    I visited the cupcake site. I'd like to try the cinnamon glazed almonds, the VaNIElla Squared cupcakes and the molasses cookies (because they're my favorite).

  20. Shawn. I want to know why I keep gaining weight every year, since I started going through menopause, even though I watch how I eat, and exercise 4 to 5 times a week.

  21. Shawn.
    Love cake---so would love to try the raspberry cupcakes or the Vanilla Squared---Yummy!!

    So they ship to MA?

  22. Shawn.

    And I have put the giveaway on my Facebook page! Yay!

  23. Shawn.

    Oh yeah----your button in on my blog page....

  24. Ash

    I would like John to help me learn to tighten up my existing muscle, instead of helping me get bulky like a body builder.

  25. Ash

    I keep hearing about the VaNIElla cupcakes. When I come to visit Utah I am heading there to buy one immediately.

  26. dalene facebooked (and she loves using facebook as a verb).

    I want you to know I had to psych myself up before I could enter. I'm serious about wanting (needing) to win this giveaway (the training, not the cupcakes). There is no point starting unless I'm serious about finding balance again.

  27. dalene


    (I told you I was serious.)

  28. dalene

    I blogged about it too. I'm fuzzy on the math, but this gives me lots of entries. Did I mention I was serious about wanting to win this one?

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend, too.

  29. Justine. I would totally do the next tri that came to the county if I had a trainer to help me!

  30. C Lewis
    The best way to get results faster :)
    Like are there certain types of crunches more effective than others?

  31. C Lewis
    I would try the red velvet, vaniella squared, and ... oh the third one is hard, maybe double chocolate fudge :D

  32. If I win I'm giving the training to my sister. Having Chinese relatives doesn't help your self-esteem when you just had a baby.

    Wish I was in UT just to tell them all to SUCK IT. ;-)


    I hope I win.

  33. Oh Tweeted and FB'kd it too... and my name is Queen Scarlett. ;-)

  34. I want to give W the consult. Because he is awesome. And I think he would like to have some specific goals and ideas.

  35. I want to try the cake bites, then try them again. Then the chocolate cookies. Then the cake bites again.

  36. And I still have your button. Do I need to comment that five times?

  37. b.

    my word verification was super naughty.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. oh wait...
    I'm up early, don't you think?

    anyways....I need some Sweet Tooth Fairy stuff for Syd's birthday party.

    Special order cupcakes with a Hawaiian Luau flair, the bites, and sugar cookies.

  40. Sharon Kyzer-I would like to know how to successfully lose weight when food seems to be the only way to get through stressful situations

  41. Sharon Kyzer I LOVE the Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes, brownies and cake bites. I haven't tried all the cupcake flavors so that is something I want to do and then the english toffee and chocolate covered pretzels sound yummy
