Tuesday, August 04, 2009

saturday date with superstar

Superstar is in the curious stage in her life where, depending on how I look at her -- how I squint my eyes or how I tilt my head -- she looks like either a baby or a little girl.

All week she's been telling me that, "On Friday night we're going to go to the mall so I can get a haircut and then get my ears pierced and then get a treat." While it didn't happen on the exact time she specified, this kid channels The Secret, and on Saturday we had our date.

Upon arriving at Rz, she announced to the desk staff:
"...AND I'm getting my ears pierced after this!"

Whitney is awesome. Seriously great. And so NICE!

And beautiful and . . . well, she's the stylist to whom I take my kids. So there.

What, I ask you, on this earth feels better than someone else washing your hair?

AAAAAAHHH! That's alotta hair!
(I think she looks like Curly in this one.)

When Whitney began blow-drying her hair, Superstar smiled and yelled, "AWESOME!"

As we approached the front desk so that I could pay for the haircut, Superstar held up both hands, palms out, and explained, "I don't need a sucker today." Whitney did, however, give her a li'l lipgloss touchup.

Then, it was off to Claire's, where I filled out the necessary paperwork, and Superstar was . . . well, nervous. She knew she could, and did, hold and squeeze my hand, but the anticipation was, in retrospect, the worst part . . .

. . . except for when we learned that there was only one girl working, and instead of getting both ears pierced at the same time with one girl on each side (which is how it worked out with Li'l ~j. and with Curly -- one punch, both ears, all at once -- bam, you're done), she got the left side pierced and then had the sorry task of anticipating the second pinch. She was so brave.

After the tears were wiped away, and this little girl encouraged a 12 & 1/2 year old that, "It doesn't really hurt so much, I only just, just had it done," we marched on down to 'that treat shop' where she chose a bag of gumballs for herself, and two bags of gummy whales, one for each of her older sisters.

Hm. I'm gonna have to go with:
Little Girl.


  1. She's so cute! And brave. I've been meaning to take my littlest in for her ear-piercing.

  2. Oh those gorgeous big teary eyes!

  3. sweet little Clara proudly announced to me on Sunday that she got her ears pierced and happily showed me her bling! She was so excited to show her ears off - very cute and so, so, SO sweet. Love her!

  4. I teared up on this one. My best friend is growing up. Sniff.

  5. Nope. Not acceptable. I refuse to allow her to get any bigger.

  6. this makes me want to die with tenderness...

  7. So brave and adorable!! I was 19 when I got my ears pierced and it HURT! Also how come they don't offer older gals the option of both ears at once?!!? Your children are beautiful!

  8. Your kids are so dang cute. What a beautiful BIG girl!

  9. They grow way too fast! It seems even faster when there are so many miles between us. Love you all.

  10. Aww my girls are never ever ever going to get this old even if it is still considered a "little girl"

  11. I can't wait to take El Guille to get his ears pierced now!

  12. Adorable. I love the dramatic bits. This is the one that wanted to cuddle, yes?

  13. Actually, this is she who was cuddling Papi's feet.

  14. She looks so cute with her new hair cut and ears pierced. She is such a sweetie!


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