Sunday, August 30, 2009


I've never met marta, but I read and enjoy her blog, and I covet her handwriting. Neither have I met marta's mother, but this week I intend to take part in her free online course, A School Days Seminar. (I just noticed that you get a prize for referring people to take part in this course; this was not my aim, indeed, I only just noticed that part of the details, but if you'd like to do this, and let her know you learned about it from me, I thank you.) The assignments are given, and I've decided to use my blog as my notebook (you lucky reader, you!); each assignment will be posted as it's written, which would be about 5 a week methinks. Unless, you know, I feel like not continuing, but I'm pretty sure I'm-a give this one a go.

If I've never met these people, why would I want to participate? Two reasons:

1. I've been needing something to write about. This is not to say that I don't have a gazillion things going on in my life, only that I, lately, easily get to a point in my days when I no longer have a desire to make decisions and would just like for someone to tell me, specifically, what to do.

2. My life, love it though I do, might best be summed up with the following:


  1. I don't know from where I just came (because I am an internet addict) but I think it was MMB or somehwere around that part of town.

    I love this clip though. I'm going to take a look around and see what you're up to

  2. Hello, Chief. Welcome, and enjoy.

  3. Thanks for the link. I'm hoping I live up to my own hype!

  4. I need that clip as my ringtone for phonecalls from home. MOMMM!

  5. Seriously, that clip has been my life so many days. I love it.

  6. Thank you for the flashback!

    I remember saying many times: "I'm changing my name to DAAAAAD!"

  7. ps. Imona try it too (the school thing), thanks.

  8. That 33 seconds felt longer!

  9. made me chuckle-- when I was much younger like before you were born or maybe just before you talked your Aunt Cathy once said "you can call me anything you want, just not Mommy" I didn't comprehend then, and I had almost forgotten, but this clip reminded me.

  10. I have personally witnessed this in your home...many times. I love it!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.