Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework: Write Away Seminar: Just Musing

Homework: Choose any of the assignments that apply, or design an exercise that will inspire your muse.
Written Work: List ten things that get in the way of your writing. (My life is boring; my mom would be shocked; I don't know where to start; I don't have time, I have seven kids.) Go back and write a sentence about how to deal with each issue. Idea: "I have seven kids. I'll sit down with them during homework time and write a paragraph using their spelling words." "My mom would be shocked. I'll write my love story as if it happened to someone else." Now, use your ten sentences to write a mission statement called "I'm Going to Write, and Here's How."
Go for it—Write Away!

Ten Things That Get In The Way Of My Writing:

1. I have small children at home
~ so does designmom. And dooce.
2. I don’t know what to write about
~ I do have thoughts – write those down
3. I worry about not getting it right
~ this extends beyond writing. Pretend no one will read. (*idea for vinyl sticker on wall: blog like no one is reading.)
4. I compare myself to other writers
~ so take a break from reading others
5. I feel that I can’t be completely honest (on my blog) because of my audience
~ this is something to give up: readers have responsibilities, too.
6. I have a short attention sp – Hey! Something shiny!
~ This one time . . .
7. I rationalize that conditions have to be perfect (nothing good on TV) in order for me to sit down and get it done
~ conditions are never perfect. I have plenty of things on DVR.
8. I feel stale – I have to have more practice in order to write Something Good
~ that’s why we write, dummy.
9. Why would anyone care what I’ve got to say?
~ that’s not why we write, dummy.
I can think of a trillion other things to do.
~ aaaaand?

I’m going to write, and here’s how:

Okay, you know what? I’ve been working on this assignment since Monday. I think that’s saying something. I’m posting it.

What is this? Why, it's homework!
You can get in on the fun, too!


  1. Blog like no one is reading, comment like no one is counting! Or... something.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.