Thursday, September 17, 2009

which moment made YOU double over in laughter?

 it worth noting that this is post #700?


  1. Every. Time.

    That look is perfect.

    Still laughing.

    No verbs.

    Except Is.

  2. So funny! We are both still laughing!

  3. there are so many, but this has to be near the top.

    I've seen it a million times, but I still snorted

  4. well now i just choked on what i was munching on

    took awhile to recover from it

    but it was worth it

    i also might have snorted and something came out

    sorry you didn't need to know that

  5. These two are my favourite characters, I'm so excited it's back on!

  6. Last night, when Creed said, "Did you spread the rumor about my asthma? I can't let that get out because then I can't scuba. And if I can't scuba, then what has this all been about?"

    I love the side jokes that you have to pay attention to notice!

  7. One of my FAVORITE moments from the Office!

  8. One of my favorite moments is when Michael is wearing a silky, purple, girl shirt and a "girl" suit. Pam is not gentle when she talks to Michael about his choice of outfit!

  9. ha! i totally love the office. i am not sure that i have a favorite moment, but i loved your clip!


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