Tuesday, November 17, 2009

answer to tori's poll

My friend Tori posted a Very Important Poll regarding Electric Hand Dryers vs. Paper Towels.

She makes a good case for Paper Towels, and while I tend to agree with the points she's made, I have to concede that this is the exception:

Found at IKEA in Draper, and seriously a li'l piece o' manufacturing magic. You have to try it to believe it.

Have you tried it?


  1. So awesome!! I've NEVER seen one of those. I need to go to IKEA apparently. :)

  2. um, I'm totally in love with these. =) I found them in Wal Mart of all places...and one other place that I can't remember, but completely BLISS!!

  3. we have them at the big C. they are loud. kinda cool though

  4. I LOVE THESE!!! If they weren't so loud, I would have on in my house.

  5. We have them at our AMC theater here. They really work! Awe.some.

  6. I fist dipped my hands into one of these 8 months ago and without thinking I declared to a room full of people 'Finally, a hand dryer that dries!' I left the room a little red faced but at least I didn't need to wipe my hands on my jeans!

  7. LOVE THEM. Only in a bar in Buffalo did I find this piece of bathroom genius. Love it.

  8. I can't believe you haven't seen these at Costco. Don't you live there?

  9. I do live at Costco, but not in the bathrooms.

    These photos were actually taken in June of this year, with the intention of a post about them, but I never did it until now. Glad to see that many businesses have hopped upon the Dyson airblade bandwagon.

  10. Jeffery Dyson should be knighted.

  11. Hate Ikea. But love Dyson enough to go there and try this out.

  12. Interesting. I've never seen one of those contraptions before. Do your hands actually touch any of the machinery? Hopefully, not. Otherwise, that might be a bit germ-y.

    I'd like to try it though. As is, my "vote" would be for paper towels all the way! :)


  13. Stephanie - no touching anything, it uses air, and it's faster than using paper towels. Amazing.


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