Sunday, November 08, 2009

As Seen in The Ensign!

This morning Superstar appeared at my bedroom door and tiptoed over to my reclining chair (where I sleep during my recovery). With a smile in her eyes I knew what she was after. With my arms I pushed my body to the right side of the chair, then lifted my quilt off of the left side of my body. She climbed right in to cuddle and tell me about her sleep.

As she whispered through her half-teethed mouth, I marveled to myself how her growing body always manages to fit mine just perfectly when either of us are in the mood for a cuddle.

She likes to hear of when she was a baby in my belly. As sentiments were whispered back and forth, she mentioned knowing Jesus. "Do you know Jesus?" "Yeah," she whispered. "You do! You really do!" I began reminding her of when she was a baby, and she was blessed in our home. [As a matter of being mormons, we participate in a special ordinance wherein babies are given their names and blessings.] I recalled, by memory (or, more accurately, by heart) a part of her baby blessing which addressed this matter. It is a very special thing to have specific blessings bestowed upon one's child.

And then I realized something: I recall, by heart, specifics about all of my children's baby blessings . . .

. . . except Atcha's.

When she was blessed (June, 2008), it was at church, and I was wrangling the other children, so I didn't write anything down to remember later. I do remember one part which addressed a surgery she was to have that summer (which surgery she ended up not needing -- I also believe in miracles), but that's it. I mentally and sadly resigned myself to a lifetime of, "Sorry, Sweetie, I don't remember, but I'm sure it was very nice."

Just a few hours later, my email inbox told me that I had received a message via facebook. The message was from a fellow youngmom in my neighborhood. She and I don't talk too terribly often, and I was glad to hear from her. The subject of her message read: Atcha's blessing.

With curiosity and a good dose of nowayyou'vegottobekiddingme, I opened the email:

I will at times write down baby blessings if I think of it and I wrote down Atcha's. I recently found it and I wanted to send it before I lost it. I do feel a little weird sending it on FB. I am sorry if it is disjointed but here is what I have.

This was followed by a list of specific, word-for-word phrases from Atcha's baby blessing.

I presume that there is importance in my knowing that information, and how grateful I am for a woman in the neighborhood who followed a prompting which may have seemed to her mundane, but was not only extremely important but also uncannily timely.


  1. Oh, that definetly needs to be in the Ensigh. How cool. Tender little blessings.broni

  2. I have chills. Miracles baby. Miracles.

  3. A friend in my ward wrote down the twins' without my knowing and presented them to me later. I love having them because they were both so different!

  4. I think this is great for two reasons. First because it's awesome and two because I one time wrote down a friend's babies blessing and when I gave it to her, her dad was present and criticized me so badly that I've never done it again. But I think I will now. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I am so grateful that someone was there to do it for you! It makes living far away easier when I know other people look out for the ones you love.

  6. That is awesome in every aspect of the word.

  7. You are blessed.

    I'm still a little upset that my low-talking husband didn't speak into the microphone so I couldn't hear Proximo's blessing at all. Not one bit of it. And we didn't live in the kind of ward where people would have helped out.

    I'd give anything to know. I'm so glad you got a message.

  8. It's amazing the little things that He cares to bless us with.

  9. That is awesome. I wish someone would do that for me with Avery's blessing. Hers is the one that got lost.

  10. I had a very similar experience. When the Nub was blessed I had asked my mom to write it down, but she only managed to get chunks. Later that day, after the festivities had ended, I was looking over what she had got when there was a knock at the door. It was my neighbor's 7 year old son with a piece of paper. On that piece of paper was a copy of my son's blessing, almost verbatim. Maria, my neighbor, must have superhuman short hand skills because whatever my mom had missed, Maria had gotten. It was incredible. Tender mercy you know.

  11. That is wonderful. I love that this happened in our ward.

    Someone did that for me once (Confirmation blessing). It was a real gift.

  12. That is so lovely. We are known for sure.


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