Wednesday, January 20, 2010

and I live in the desert

Sometimes I'm in the mood for a Near Eastern pastry made of many layers of paper-thin dough with a filling of ground nuts, baked and then drenched in a syrup of honey and sometimes rosewater.

But other times...

...other times I might require a close-fitting, knitted cap that covers the head, neck, and tops of the shoulders, worn esp. by mountain climbers, soldiers, skiers, etc., you know?


  1. What? We call ourski masks baclavas.

    P.S. No we don't.

  2. Army issues those. We need them for the EP because of the dust storms/Mexicans.

  3. He, he, he. As an aside, our across-the-road neighbor is of Greek descent and makes AMAZING baclava, which he graces us with each Christmas. Mmmmmm.

  4. How did you catch that? Awesome! (And now you have me craving an ooey, gooey treat!)

  5. The word for the mask is a baLAclava. Wore them all the time in Russia. Russians like baclava, though!

  6. Thanks, Natalie--I always pronounced it BalaCLAva. Now I will correct myself and be even more awesome!

  7. I just like imagining the exchange which lead to the situation:

    "What did she say it's called? Baklava? Isn't that a dessert or something? Some kind of food?"

    "Dude, that's what I heard her say. Just put it on the tag."

  8. No way, cabesh, MY across-the-road neighbor is of Greek descent and makes AMAZING baclava, which he graces us with each Christmas! We both lucked out, I guess! The best part is that I forget about it each year, and then suddenly he shows up with it and I am so pleasantly surprised! (Sometimes it's a good thing that I have the memory of a goldfish...)


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