Wednesday, March 31, 2010

CBC bio

**You can still enter the giveaway for two full-conference CBC passes by clicking here. Winner will be announced Friday, 2 April, 2010.**

Following is your very own sneak-preview of my CBC bio.


GET BLOGGING! I'd love to read yours! Miss you!


Since finding that simple message in her inbox in June, 2005, Jenny Eckton has treasured the experiences brought into her life through blogging.

Jenny Eckton grew up in a tiny town in the Southwestern corner of New York. At age 19, after a short stint in the Chicago suburbs, she decided to move to Provo, Utah, with a friend to create a band, in which she played bass guitar and sang. Living in Provo was supposed to have been a temporary stop in her journey through life, but she finds herself still living there and liking it, now a wife of over twelve years, and a mother to six children (5 alive, 1 in Heaven). Getting to stay home with her kids is what she’s always wanted to do, and that’s what she’s doing.

In the midst of changing diapers and all that goes along with that scene (favorite: laundry; least favorite: floors), Jenny still makes time for her own interests which, surprisingly to no one more than herself, include preparing for and participating in triathlons. She enjoys music – singing, playing, dancing, listening, you name it, and is eager to have any opportunity to pick up her guitar. Jenny enjoys traveling (doesn’t everybody?), hiking, comedy, TV (DVR makes her a better mom), writing, letterpress, laughing, farmers markets, Trader Joes, IKEA, radio, concerts, quilts, planning her dream house, red, and getting mail. She comments around town as ~j., her twitter handle is @formerlyphread, and her blog is

Jenny blogs to write, to connect, to laugh, and to exchange and express ideas and ever-evolving opinions. She has written guest posts on Segullah and Light Refreshments Served, and was featured as a Monday’s Maven on Most prized have been the friendships which have been created through the blogging process.


  1. I think that you are fantastic, and really I adore this picture of you.

  2. I love your blog. Thanks for always adding something different to my day.

  3. Love the bio. But Amelie needs to be replaced.

  4. Love reading your bio. I feel like I know you just a little bit better. And I'm coming with you on your next trip to Trader Joe's!

  5. Southwest NY. So like Soho?

    Love the bio. It sums you up nicely.

  6. I can't wait to meet you :)

  7. Don't listen to La Yen. Amalie FOREVER!

  8. The Utah bloggers have all the fun!

  9. I'm posting this on eharmony.

    Let's see if we're matched on 7 different levels.



Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.