Tuesday, March 30, 2010

don't you know who i am?

**You can still enter the giveaway for two full-conference CBC passes by clicking here. Winner will be announced Friday, 2 April, 2010.**

"Tell them about the X96 thing."

I had been asking some friends about what to include in my bio for the Casual Blogger Conference in May. Coming up with this sort of thing can be tricky for me. See, I don't have what some would consider accolades. Though I'm not Without Honors, it can certainly be difficult to put together a resumé for myself, so I include experiences, interests, and The Like. One of my interests is radio. In the past handful of years, one radio station in particular has been my Station of Choice in the mornings, 96.3 FM out of Salt Lake City, KXRK, or X96. Their morning show, Radio from Hell, is my preferred morning show. More than that, over the past few years I've gotten to know the hosts, Kerry, Bill, and Gina, as well as Richie (The Producer).

Apparently, this interest has turned into what has become known as My X-96 Thing.

How I've gotten to semi-know the cast of RFH is simply a matter of me attending remotes and phoning in, combined with them being really awesome people. I began phoning in with the pseudonym Molly Mormon, which I suppose has been memorable. In addition, they have been generous enough to allow me to sit in during their live morning show, as well as stop in whenever I've happened to be in their neighborhood (which I used to be rather frequently, when I was taking Bubby to PCMC for his hearing tests and such).

They're good people.

In fact, if you look closely at the back of my van, you'll see that the vinyl family stickers I have on my rear window are actually not images of my family members but are instead those of X96 DJs.

I hold Kerry, Bill, Gina, and Richie in high regard. They are kind to me and to my family, and they remember us and are engaging when we see them.

And that is My X-96 Thing.

Speaking of which, Monday evening we attended a RFH Mixer at Wing Nutz in Orem.

In regards to Buffalo Wings, Curly will eat any of you under the table any day of the week.

Li'l ~j. prefers boneless, with barbeque sauce.

Atcha simply wants to dramatically fling lemonade into her mouth with a straw.

Superstar needs a break every now and then. You know, to conserve energy for cartwheels.

Bubby was taking care of shelling peanuts for everyone, and doing a fine job, at that.

Superstar has this thing for impressing Kerry.

Bill declared, "Let's take a picture with the Mormon children!"

And so it was done.


  1. Hey--I totally LOVE your X-96 thing. And your family sticker. And that you're cool enough to be on the radio. And that Bill wanted to get a picture "with the Mormon children."

    I'm still secretly hoping they do another "breakfast" gig locally this summer and that you'll take me with you after we sweat together at gym class.

    As for your bio, when I compose it for you in my head the list of accolades and honors is Without End.


  2. I didn't realize you have four girls and one boy as well. They all look like they each have very different personalities with a great mom to keep them experiencing the variety life offers. Good luck at the blogger conference.

  3. Awesomeness = your middle name.

    Molly Awesomeness Mormon

  4. Just one more reason that we are soul sisters.

    I steal my husbands RFH boner shirt every day AFTER he goes to work. I love it and want one of my own.

    According to my husband, RFH is his chosen religion(next to that other one we practice).

  5. I'd take pictures with your mormon children any day.

  6. The mormon children. Bwahahaha!

  7. Ha, I have most definitely have heard you call in because I remember that call tag.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.