Tuesday, March 02, 2010


You know LaYen?

Of course you do.

She's what we call With Child.

She's also what we call In The Hospital.

She needs to have what we call Her Gall Bladder Removed.

Please to pray, light a candle, do yoga, whatever you do,
and include her in your thoughts?



  1. Will think about her today and keep her in my prayers!

  2. I did all of those. Plus sacrificed a chicken, you know just in case. Text me her # will you?

  3. Emily - Thank you!

    Kalli - I hope you ate the chicken.

  4. it's in the pot... chicken and dumplings tonight!

  5. Done! I just need to light a St. CJane candle to top it all off.

  6. I was trying to come up with something clever to say, but I can't, so I won't. But I will pray and think of her lots and go and get a peanut buster parfait for her.

    Gall Bladder Removed? Really? AND gestational diabetes? That little boy better give her lots and lots of smoochy, sloppy kisses in a couple of years.

  7. Dang. This better be all the trouble that child causes her.

  8. wow--my yoga really counted for something today, then. hugs. prayers. yoga. thoughts.

    now i'll go get looking for a candle. where's that awesome cjane candle--that would be just the ticket.

  9. Sending prayers and hugs in the appropriate directions.

    (Much love too!)

  10. Had my gall bladder out in October...but wasn't pregnant too! Egads, that is unpleasant! Hope they can do hers laproscopically...


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