Monday, March 01, 2010


First thing first:
I am now what you might call a dot-com. That's right, this very blog can be reached as, although if you're still so in love with using the blogspot, that's cool -- you'll end up at the same place. Hooray!

To the members of my ward,
Yesterday I was not in attendance at sacrament meeting. I'll spare you the details of how Bubby and Atcha were low on sleep and we needed to conserve their energy for the last two hours of church (oh look -- I didn't spare the details after all), but you'll notice I did send my three oldest girls to attend the first hour of church. They've done it before, sitting there on their own or with a family/friends, and I have, on occasion, received glowing reports regarding their behaviour. Please be assured that yesterday I gave them the same instructions they always get when attending church without me: Reverently, quietly, get along with each other, here's some paper to take notes on what the speakers say, if you do you'll get a treat, etc. and so on. Even so, regarding yesterday, I sort of feel the need to apologize for when Curly yelped and threw a pen as a reaction to when li'l ~j. used said pen to poke Curly in the eye, just as I feel a need to apologize for Superstar performing her favorite new trick - cartwheels - during sacrament meeting ("Mom, I just wanted to do that because doing cartwheels makes me happy."). Truth is, while yesterday I was borderline mortified, today I'm only about 35% sorry. (Maybe 35% is too generous; I really find it rather funny now.) (And the girls are all grounded.) (I'll likely lift that grounding in a day or two. We'll have to see.)

It's March, y'all! Do you still have your heaters running full-tilt? Windows open? A/C, anyone? Admittedly, this month is a crapshoot -- what's going on where you live?


  1. We're still taking turns leaving with the little ones after the Sacrament is passed. We have Sacrament meeting at the end of the three-hour block and by then little ones are definitely done! I think a little entertainment between talks just keeps things hummin' along!

    We have sunshine here in Sandy. No windows open yet but the blinds are!

  2. I think it's funny too, but they're not my kids. I'd have reacted just the same and would prolly lift the grounding.

    Furnace, pellet stove, blankets.

    March. No like.
    Would you email me deets on how to get a dot com? That is cool!

  3. ps. One of my friends was written up for doing a cartwheel at work. On a PEDIATRICS UNIT, for pete's sake!

  4. I miss one week of sacrament and I miss this! Dangit! I would have totally cheered for the cartwheel.

    When the sun shines I open the windows. But really the weather is not much different here than it is three blocks over.

    Can I start calling you dot com?

  5. Emily - have you always had that meeting third? I'm curious about what determines when sacrament meeting is held (which hour of the three).

    b. - yep, I'll send an email. And, do people realize that being able to do a cartwheel should be a requirement for working Pedes? Sheesh.

    sue - you bet, Grizz.

  6. Cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate, stripey wool socks.

    Or Hawaii (I wish).

  7. Laughing so hard...

    Around here March means only 2 more months of winter. Our February vacation has been extended by at least one day since half our town still doesn't have power......

  8. Cheers for cartwheels. Hey, whatever makes her happy right?

    Yesterday we had the windows open, (but that was only becuase the kitchen sink backed up and we had nasty water in our sink, dishwasher, all over the floor. . .you get the point) does that count?

  9. Warm granny apple purse from Starbucks, a cup of hot cocoa and space heater still on full force! March has come in like a frozen lion! I guess it could be worse.

  10. I find it adorable you post why you weren't in sacrament meeting. My ward on the other hand would require a blog post stating why I WAS in sacrament meeting.

  11. I am thrilled in this part of the grand US to report that, although it is still below freezing, the snow has finally melted off the driveway and sidewalk and the sun is shining. However, we still harbor the snow pack that has been here since November or December. I'm not sure which. My memory is going. All I can remember is SNOW EVERYWHERE!

    I am amazed that you can send your girls to Church alone. That, in itself, says kudos to you for being a great momma (which we all know you are anyway). Good job!

  12. I would love some good gymnastics in sacrament meeting.

    The furnace comes on at night, and a light jacket is enough for the daytime. We finally have a little sunshine today. (southeastern Virginia)

  13. I would've loved to have seen that cartwheel! This is why I love having sacrament meeting last, the children are tired out and ready for a nap or quiet doodling!

  14. cartwheels make me happy too. mebbe i'll try one in the hall today at work.

    happy .com-ness to you.

  15. I pay kids a dollar for doing cartwheels in my sacrament meeting. Could you let Curly know? We meet at 11:00.

  16. Maaaarch means San Diego for meeee in like 10 days. 10 freaking days. It also means the Connie's birthday which coincides with St. Patty's day. Really those are the only two things I tolerate March for. I'm considering going into a medically induced coma until May otherwise. Your thoughts?

    I'm a too, except pretty sure everyone uses the blogspot anyway. MYLIFEASAKALLI.COM is where it's at!

  17. I too have felt like doing cartwheels in church. Good for her. It is sunny and in the 60's here. That is why I tolerate living in Sin City.

  18. I need to become a dot com. It is time. GUIDE ME, OBI-WAN.

    My husband and I fight over the thermostat - he turns the heat on, I turn it off, he turns the FIREPLACE on, I turn it off. March means much passive-aggressive sneaking around turning things off.

  19. Mrs. O - Hawai'i . . . *sigh*

    cabesh - I heard about the No Power Thing. You all okay? Plenty o' cookies to keep you warm?

    wendy - ahh, yes. I open our kitchen window because I think the steam coming out of our dishwasher stinks. I hope the source of the yucky water has cleared out for you!

  20. Camille - cocoa! Magic word right there. It'll fix the March-Lion Blues.

    Steph - oh, I'm hardly ever at sacrament meeting. This was just an un-apology for my kids acting their age.

    DG - Sunshine in your neck o' the woods - awesome!

  21. glittersmama - VA! So green and lovely.

    Naomi - good point; it is, after all, a great time to fall asleep, right? (for the KIDS, of course)

    c-dub - yes! and tell your co-workers that they make you happy!

  22. Gerb - could you please fashion the dollar into the shape of a ring? That'd be greeeaaaaat.

    Kalli - I'd be all for medically waiting it out until May if it weren't for all the bdays and AWESOME things that happen in March & April. You'll'll see.

    Linda - Hello! I just checked out your blog, and I'm looking forward to seeing some more ideas of what to do there. (I may or may not be there this weekend.) (I totally will be.)

    sue - You like-a the cold? (I sent the email to ye.)

  23. You sent your kids without you??? I just can't get over that. I wouldn't have the nerve.

    It's rainy, rainy here in Texas but it's starting to be spring. The birds are singing their little heads off. 70's by the end of the week.

  24. Oddly, something close happened to us recently...

    except Buo is seventeen...

    and I was in attendance...

  25. I would have paid to see that cartwheel!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.