Sunday, April 04, 2010

WINNER! (also, why'd that take me so long?)

Why did it take me so long to announce a winner? I had said I'd announce a winner on Friday, and here it is, Sunday evening.

It's because when I have a contest, I go about it all old school.

[And, to be frank, there were so many entries. So many that I felt both grateful (to have so many of you come here to my blog to enter) as well as bittersweet (because I really, REALLY wish I could give the prize to each one of you).]

First, I write down the entrants on a piece of paper:

Next, I take that (those) piece(s) of paper with me to my kids' swimming lessons and write the names on old copies of ward newsletters for the individual entries. Remember how you could earn 5 entries, as opposed to 1, for doing certain things? This is how I made that happen:

Then, I take those papers home and cut out the individual entries:

I enlist some help in folding the entries just so:

. . . and my helper enlists assistance in placing the entries into the drawing bowl:

Right before I join my family for our Easter dinner, I draw a name:

Congratulations, Cathy!!

You have won two full-conference passes
- one for you and one for a friend -
to the Casual Blogger Conference,
to be held on May 28th and 29th in Sandy, Utah.

And as a full-conference pass holder, you and your guest get to attend the EXCLUSIVE Girls Night Out Party, hosted by Teresa Collins.

Cathy, please email me at, and, once again, CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to meet you at CBC10!

***If you didn't win a pass, don't fret: you can still register by clicking on the button on my sidebar (which says, duh, Click Here To Register).***

Thanks to all of you who entered!


  1. Cathy, if you need a friend to go with you, I'm available!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  2. If Cathy doesn't get back to you, I call dibs.

    I guess I will go to the temple that weekend. Wowsy Wowsy Woo Woo.

  3. You are AMAZING! That's seriously old school but I love it!

  4. Wowsy Wowsy Woo Woo, that's me! Thank you! I sent you an email.

  5. Do we have a temple date, La Yen?

  6. If you want to meet me in Phoenix, b, you and I are IN!

  7. excel plus =saved trees and energy :D
    just saying :D

  8. Kelly - I hope you go to CBC!

    La Yen & b. - I hope you get a temple date.

    Emily - Thanks! It was fun to do.

    Cathy - You are so welcome!

    C - wouldn't account for those single entries which were worth five. Plus, this was more fun. And, since I used the back of old ward newsletters, no (additional) trees were harmed in the process.

  9. It seemed so interesting.and the little girl is pretty nice.

  10. I love the old skool way, and I love that I saw my name...too bad I wasn't so lucky! ;)

  11. wow--I love it! Thanks for detailing the process for us. That just made my day!

  12. I have been made to feel like such a shmuck for not having any desire to go to this thing. But I will have just had a baby and baby hormones turn me into a real bitty. It's probably best that I do not attend.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.