Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I really don't know how you do it all

When I make this

it's at the expense of this.

Blogs From The Big Chair is next week! Have you sent your photos to me?


  1. I've never met anyone with kids who can keep their whole house clean simultaneously... if someone posts a comment here that they can, I'll be hoping for a guest post with instructions. It is frustrating, isn't it?

  2. This is our new thing: After every meal we clean for 20 minutes. The whole family. Jooj gets told specifically what to do for little things. (Go to your table. Pick up the first thing that is there. What is it? Put it away.) When the timer goes off, we stop. Then we get a princess on the chalkboard. When we have 20 princesses, we will go see Shrek. So far it is working...

  3. I'm sorry, were you under the impression that ANYONE did it all? Without help, I mean. Or without being Mommy Dearest. Yikes.

  4. I'm convinced that anyone who has an always clean house, has it at the expense of something else. Maybe they choose cleaning all the time instead of reading books or playing legos. It may not always be true, but it makes me feel like I am making the better choice!

  5. La Yen- We used to play that game at our house. It was called "What do you see? Where does it go?" It worked really well until our oldest realized we were CLEANING HER ROOM! Oh, the pain!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.