Friday, May 14, 2010

the price i pay for writing a blog post

Eight minutes. I was upstairs for eight minutes.

I hope you have a great weekend. Be sure to come back on Monday when I will share with you a really embarrassing but true story which illustrates just one way in which depression haunts my life.

And don't forget about Blogs From The Big Chair!


  1. It just kills me how much he looks like tu hermano. They're so cute, they didn't get in trouble right? Unless they threw some over the railing. Then maybe.

    You didn't need those eggs anyway, right?

    You've had quite the couple-a-days. HUGS! ;)

  2. Look at those 'I didn't do it' faces!

  3. Hahahaha, I love your blog! THAT is hilarious!!!

  4. Q obviously had nothing to do with that. I'm SURE of it.

  5. you shove all the shells back in the box and take them back to costco. "uh, i'm not sure but these eggs are all broken? !? it's so weird....can i have my money back?"
    they'll do it. hahahahah.

    that picture is awesome.

  6. looks like they had fun.

    definitely blog worthy.

  7. Well, they were probably just trying to be nice and fix breakfast. :>) I feel for you. I know only too well that feeling.

  8. They were just helping. Right?

  9. Their faces are hilarious.
    As are the broken eggs.

  10. Oh my! I am dying! Just glad it didn't happen to me :)

  11. Been there! Once I went to the bathroom and upon my return I was greeted by a bag of flour, evenly spread all over my carpet. No picture that time, too mad. I wish I would've now.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.