Monday, May 03, 2010

yes you MAY

It's MAY, y'alls, and that brings with it more than flowers. It brings a triathlon, the end of school for the kidlets, and it brings the CBC (for which I cannot wait). In preparation for the CBC, May may bring some posts here about my speaking topic, which is depression. And for your FYI, May also brings a dance recital which may or may not feature a number performed by adults, of which I may or may not be one.

In the meantime, I've decided to do a li'l project this month, and it's called:


This project was inspired by talks with my esthetician, Trista, as well as the following photo, taken a couple of weeks ago:

Yes, the chair reads Beaver Valley Chevron. There is a town in central Utah called Beaver. So what? Who cares? It has a big rocking chair.

What I'd like you to do this month is send me your pictures of you and whomever else (or not) sitting in the big rocking chair at the Beaver Valley Chevron. On Monday, May 24th, I will post your pictures, as well as a link to your blog (or just the picture, or just the link, whichever you'd prefer). I know there must be some great pictures out there. If they aren't already in existence in your home, perhaps you might fancy a road trip. That's right, a road trip for a blog project. You know you'd do it.

Pictures may be sent to jennyeckton @ gmail {dot} com, no spaces, you're no dummy, you know what an email address looks like.

It's a really big chair.

And maybe, if you're lucky, on the drive home, your kids will sit like my kids do when they're in the van:.


  1. I don't have a picture in the Beaver Chevron chair. I DO have one of a friend and I in Amish country sitting upon its' distant twin, though. We'll see if we get anywhere near Beaver in the next month.

    p.s. That last picture is beautiful.

  2. I will smile all day thinking about that last photo, ~j...

  3. I love it!!! What a great post--and what fantastic pictures, and what a great idea! But my favorite? WHAT CUTE KIDS!

  4. What if I don't have a picture of me in the Beaver rocking chair, but in another sweet huge chair in Arizona? Can I send that in? :)

  5. Logan - YES! Big chair. Any big chair.

  6. Okay, that hand-holding thing is the cutest picture ever! And why is Joy Behar first and foremost in my mind after reading your post?

    Perhaps you could give me some tri pointers because I'll be doing Echo in July--and it's my first and I don't yet have a bike. I should probably get one, huh?

  7. I have a pic of me in a big chair, from seattle... thing is, it is back when I had a skunk residing on my head ( aka permed hair ) and not sure it should make it's way from film strip picture to digital file :D


  8. I like Beaver.

    (yes I went there)


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.