Some celebrations are big.
Like that time I turned 30.
Others are more quiet reflections.
Like today.
My blog is 5 today.
It all started with an email from Stephanie, urging me to 'get blogging.' I chose my blog name, set it up with blogger, and wrote my first post, which is about how I got the nickname Phread. I kept writing.
There were a handful of us: Stephanie. Chris. Lisa. Courtney. Bek. CW. Queen. Wendy. Geo. Steve. Jamie. Kacy. Emmie. Gabby. Azu'car. JC. Lorien. We could write what we wanted, everything was an inside joke and posts built upon posts. We were tagged and memed. We hesitantly mentioned that we had blogs because What's A Blog? Comments were counted. People were validated. Lunches and late nights were had.
Time went on. Some stopped, or slowed, their posts. Some wanted to delete and walk away. More people began reading and understanding. More and more people. Ads were showing up. Facebook grew a shadow on our blogs. We met each other face-to-face as people went on vacations or introduced friends-of-friends. We edited what we said because people at church were saying, "I read your blog...". We thought about it, and we kept writing, kept posting.
The crash happened. Let's be honest, it was significant for those of us who had been blogging. (I started this blog at Stephanie's urging, remember.) Online auctions. Donations. Generosity and love in droves. Roles changed. Friendships changed, for better or worse, for stronger or weaker.
And here we are. With sponsors and giveaways and conferences. With buttons and banners and stats.
We keep writing.
I'll keep writing.
Thank you for being on the journey with me. Really, from my heart, thank you.
Happy birthday to us!
Thank you for writing, I've loved reading your blog!
Congratulations!!! 5 years is impressive.
I loved reading this post and learning how you got started.
Happy Birthday! Celebrating both you and your blog. And may I say you don't look a day over 3?
You were blogging back with the dinosaurs! I think it's awesome what blogging has done for so many people.
I started summer of 2005 as well, because of Chris.I lurked on the blogs of all those people you mentioned. I'm much more of a shy blogger, but the first two years were definitely the golden blogging years for me.
Those were the good ol' days. Some of my very best friends came about via blogging. Glad you are still writing. Glad I got to meet you IRL 'cause yer pretty dang awesome.
Wow, 5 sure looks good on you.
Love you, you pioneer.
Wow, does your blog use Botox? Because it sure looks amazing for 5.
Happy Birthday. I have loved reading you and being your friend.
Do we get like a five-year pin or a nice pen or something?
Congratulations!!! Happy 5th blogging birthday. And now I finally know the story behind the Phread. ;)
yeah what do you get for a 5 year anniversary? Napkins?
I ate a fruit tart from kneaders in celebration for you. You're welcome.
5 years?! Wow, you are a pioneer! Happy Blog-iversh! See you this weekend at EVO Wahoo!
The crash is what brought me into Stephanie's life, and then cjane, and then yours. I'm very happy to be here, my own life is better because of you all.
Congratulations to you and your 5 years! That's like 2o in blog years, right?
Hooray for Phread! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
And still there is no better post in the blogosphere than your "my list" written almost five years ago. I like to visit it for good times.
Cheers to Phread from c jane. Promise to always keep the Amalie avatar? I wouldn't know who you are without it.
Happy 5 years! Great post. Yes, keep writing!
Thanks for picking me up along the way...I've loved your words and your friendship.
Happy 5th!
I'm raising an Azucar mocktail to you and the crew. Here's to... 5 x infinity. Cheers!!!
ps. Now to get my blog bum back into shape.
happy belated birthofyourblogday!
--the verification word is "itrfun". Itrfun, indeed!--
Happy Bloggy Birthday! I am such a fan of you.
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