Wednesday, June 02, 2010

my kids rock this place

Dear Friends,

I eagerly anticipate being able to finish my review of #CBC10, but for the moment I've been knocked flat on my arse. Ear pain woke me up at 3:am, and the right side of my throat has been progressively hurting over the past few days, to the point of not being able to swallow today. At my doctor's office this morning, it was revealed that I've got strep, and a mighty case of it at that. After getting a shot ("Oh! I've never gotten a shot there before!"), I went to Zupas for some soup for me, then to Maceys for some ginger ale (me) sprite (kids) orange juice (kids), liquid medicine (me) & ice cream (all of us), and then to Pizza Pizza for some Hot & Ready - in ten minutes - for the kids. Stocked up, I hit my bedroom to avoid my kids catching anything from me, and I've been up here all day. It needs to be said: My Kids Are Awesome. They've been in charge of themselves and each other on a nice summer day with minimal contact from their Mama, and they've done a fine job. I love them so much and I'm so proud of them.

My head hurts.

Be back soon.



  1. I had strep twice within 2 months back in 7th grade -- no fun at all. How great that your kids are able to take care of each other! Get better fast!

  2. So that's why you were resting today! I'm so sorry to have bothered you. Take it easy.

  3. get feeling better. i hope you know i just watched the video of you and Mindy. you gots made skillz girl.

  4. Oh, my throat hurts for you! I had one of "those" shots in college when I let strep get so bad I could hardly swallow. Stupid co-ed (me, not you). Hope you're feeling better soon!

  5. Your kids DO ROCK!! Get feeling better FAST!! (((HUGS)))

  6. Hope you feel better soon... and as a Brit I fully approve of your usage of the word 'arse'!

  7. That's no fun, although maybe it's a little fun. One of the things I actually enjoy about being sick is the excuse to hole up in my room and do nothing but get sucked into the vortex of the internet or read a totally lame, book I wouldn't be caught dead reading (but I'm not gonna get caught if I'm in my bedroom)

  8. What a responsible bunch you have there. Feel better soon!

  9. Ugh, I've been sick ever since CBC, too! It was such a pleasure to meet you and be at your panel!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.