Wednesday, June 09, 2010

new rule

When I open the refrigerator door or freezer door and something falls on or near me because someone has placed said falling item on top of the refrigerator/freezer, whether with the intention of later putting said falling item in its proper place or not, I will put said falling item directly into the trash.


  1. hee hee. I do this too. sometimes I can't because, unfortunately, I am quite often the culprit.

  2. This makes me laugh so hard! My husband is WAY taller than me and he is always stacking crap on top of the fridge. It drives me crazy!!!!!! I am going to have the same rule.

  3. Love the new rule. I may implement here even if it means my DH's sunglasses, car keys, Blockbuster DVDs and mini mag lites go missing...

  4. I had a screwdriver fall from my fridge onto my head once... you can guess which end landed on my scalp!

  5. Except for when all my knives fell on me.


  6. What if said item is a jar full of money?

  7. Jill, I stand corrected. Just like when I find money in pockets while doing laundry -- I keep it as if my family is giving me tips (along with the candy wrappers).

  8. bravo! I am so tired of the large costco size goldfish cracker box falling on top of my head. The unexpected part of it hurts most of all. I'm going to steal this rule, me thinks...

  9. Awww I hate that!!! GREAT plan.


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