Not anymore.
While in NYC last month, I was lucky enough to be an invited guest of the Getting Gorgeous Event, a thoughtfully planned-out celebration of style, beauty, and adornment.
Of the many companies and brands represented at this event, I know I would not be alone in stating that getting to know more about Miraclebody Jeans by Miraclesuit was one of, if not the, most exciting. Let me break it down for you:

I saw the sloagan, "Look 10 lbs. lighter in 10 seconds!" and was skeptical. "Sure," I thought to myself, "Slimming pants which will slim the extra skin right up over the waistband and make me look like I'm wearing a fleshy innertube for a belt." Even so, I approached the table of very helpful, very engaging MiracleBody reps.
"What size, Darling?" I was asked.
"Um...14, please."
"Great. Boot cut or skinny?"
Let it be known that I had never in my life donned a pair of skinny jeans. (Well, maybe when I was in, like, 4th grade, but not because it was fashionable to do so.) I had always presumed that they were not for me, in addition to looking to be uncomfortable. Yet being in the Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of, I answered with a smile, "Skinny, please."
Joining the other women behind the partition, the excitement about these jeans was palpable. Having removed my skirt, I slid on the jeans and . . .
I felt amazing. (You may need to know that for this lady who doesn't necessarily enjoy shopping for herself, the feel of clothing being enjoyable is the Number One Requirement.)
Carefully, I approached some of my friends. Stylish friends. Friends who know about fashion. They validated me: I looked fly.
Awesome. My first try of skinny jeans: success.
I took them off and folded them, replaced my skirt, and approached Robert Verdi. "Do you love them?" he asked.
"Yes, very much, thanks for letting me try them on."
"Oh, Honey. They're yours."
*jaw drop*
These magical pants, the ones which lived up to their slogan: they're mine.
And, as fate would have it, the generous people at Miraclebody have agreed to award a free pair of Miraclebody Jeans (ARV: $110) to one of my readers.
This is your lucky day.
And here are the specs:
This giveaway begins today (90210) and ends on Friday, September 10th at 11:59 p.m. MST. The winner will be announced on Monday morning, September 13th, after which the winner will have 24 hours to contact me via email; otherwise a new winner will be chosen (with the same 24-hour notification stipulation).
Here's how to enter:
~ Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect
~ Become a fan of ("Like") formerlyphread on facebook
~ Follow me on twitter (@formerlyphread)
~ Tweet about this giveaway (must include @formerlyphread and #MiracleBody in the tweet)
~ Become a fan of ("Like") MiracleBody by MiracleSuit on facebook
~ Visit and tell me in the comments section of this post which item from their collection you'd most like to have in your wardrobe.
Each task listed above is worth one entry. For each task you do, you must let me know via a comment on this post, including informing me if you are already [following me, etc.] (whether it's one comment per task or one comment with all tasks included, that's up to you). Each task may be completed once, except for the tweeting about this giveaway, which may be done once daily (don't forget to come back here to let me know you've tweeted!).
Got it?
I knew you would. You're so bright.
And because you're so bright, I know you'll like this deal:
Take advantage of this special offer to Getting Gorgeous attendees and for their blog readers. Enter Code "TakeTen" at checkout for 10% off all jeans, and FREE SHIPPING and FREE RETURNS for a limited time.
Offer valid on purchase from 8/15 to 9/15 only.
Best of luck to you!
***Disclaimer: As a guest of the Getting Gorgeous Event I received a pair of Miraclebody Jeans. Even so, I was/am under no obligation to write about this product. I just really, really dig it. And that's why I write: to share with you. I was not paid money for this review.***
Nice jeans, eh?
Love the jeans! They look so cute on you! I am a follower thanks for the great giveaway.
Okay, you look HOT. I'm commenting not to enter the giveaway, but just to tell you how fabulous you look in those jeans. Mmmmm, GIRL.
ooh la la! Check out those hot jeans! you look fabulous!
I "like" your Facebook page
I follow you on Twitter
Tweeted! (Can you tell I need some sort of Miracle in the form of jeans!) :)
You look great. And the jeans do too. But mostly I dig your smile.
That's all--
I'm a follower now! Those are awesome jeans!
I like on Facebook! :)
I follow on twitter
AND I tweeted! :)
AND I like Miraclebody on FB
I'd get the Samantha boot cut jeans...I haven't bought a pair of jeans post baby and that was almost 6mo ago..I need a new pair!
Tweeted, you know I like ya, like Miracle Body Jeans and will follow you to the ends of the Earth.
Love the jeans--you look hot! Already a friend on Google connect. :)
Already a fan of formerlyphread on Facebook (of course).
And you know I'm a follower/tweeter of yours on Facebook as well.
I'm liking MiracleBody on Facebook!
And I'd totally go for the skinny jeans AND the slim skirt. That skirt is so cute!
I'm still a bit skeptical...except that you look fabulous in your jeans. I'd try the Katie straight jeans.
WOW, those look amazing! I mean, YOU look amazing!
I'm already a follower - please consider me entered.
You look awesome! That's not necessarily because of the jeans, though :)
WOw!You look fab!
Those are some fab jeans! I'm a follower.
I "like" your FB page.
Follow you on Twitter.
I "like" Miraclebody on FB.
I'd get the Samantha Bootcut jeans. I was just telling my DH I need new jeans for winter. Things have finally settled after having the baby (3 years ago) and I finally feel like it's time to get new jeans.
Tweeted the giveaway
I'm already a fan of you and now, them, on Facebook and I like the slim skirt they had on their website. I think that's three, right?
Have fun everybody and you look great, ~j, but then, I always think you do.
you look smokin hot!
Where you lead, I will follow. These sound positively aMAYzing!!!!
Like you on FB, like you in those jeans!
Like them on FB, like them for me! Yes, please!
I looked at their sight and would also love the Skinny jean. I own one pair I found at DI and sometimes they look okay, sometimes they don't.
I have a feeling I wouldn't have that problem with jeans from Miraclebody!
Count me good for all SIX entries!
I'm off to do it right now.
As for the MiracleBody site - dude... I have vowed never to wear skinny jeans or leggings due to my ample bottom half, and flappity flap thighs... but if they really are miraculous... it's time to dip my leg in!
Tweeted today. @staceymay
Wow. You look great in those jeans. I think I like the boot cut jeans. Though some of the skirts are really nice as well.
I'd love to win this contest!
Unfortunately, I only have two entries, I've 'liked' this on Facebook and this comment (plus the visit to the website) this is my only entry as I'm not a twitterer and don't follow tweets or whatever.
Here's crossing my fingers anyway.
OK, I like both sites on facebook, I am now following you on twitter (under my thestampdr tag ;) ) and though the bootcut jeans are hot to trot, I am really feeling that slim skirt, I think that is hotness in and of itself... though your pic is a close second ;)
So that is 4 entries, yes?
Samantha, boot cut, Aquarius pocket.
Almost made that "blood cut", apropos no?
Great find!
On Facebook, "I like you a-lawt", in my best Lloyd Christmas Dumb and Dumber impression.
I'm following on friend connect!
I already like you on facebook (and in person ;-)
I already follow you on twitter.
I tweeted:
I became a fan of Miraclebody on Facebook.
I would like Samantha Jeans, baby!
PS You look fabulous! Congrats!
I like on facebook
already a google friend connect follower - as if
Tweeted today @staceymay
Wow. Those jeans are hot...darn it, another thing to add to my "wish" list.
I'd love to try the bootcut jeans.
Oh. And, I am a follower :)
I follow you on the Twitters.
YEah, I'm digging the jeans, the shoes, the smile. You look fabulous! AND happy.
I hate jumping through these hoops almost as much as I hate your partial feed. But I want some jeans. So there, mein kampf. Entry 1.
And I like you. I want free jeans.
And the twitter. Damn it, I had better win some free jeans.
And I liked them. Rage building. Must win jeans.
I went to their site and I appreciate the dearth of fat people on the leggings page. I want some anyways. Free jeans. I will win or I will see you in Hell.
And I tweeted. Now I need a nap.
Can't believe I didn't follow your blog "officially." I've been following you on reader for years.
It's now official.
Also can't believe I didn't follow you on twitter. I don't tweet often, but I'll start reading yours.
I already like you on facebook.
I like Miraclebody on FB.
And I really really really want those Skinny Minnie jeans. Happy 30th to me!
Those jeans, with you in them, are HAWT!
I'm a follower
I "like" you on facebook
I "like" MiracleBody by MiracleSuit on facebook
I follow you on twitter
I really NEED a Miraclebody Fly Away top. So darling and flattering!
Awesome! I follow.
I would love the skinny minnies!
Tweeted today. Barley made it by the skin of my teeth!
I'm hoping for some straight leg Miracles.
I love the straight leg jeans. Wishing for a pair of those.
I'm a follower- (something i'm trying to teach my daughter not to be:))
I'm a follower- (something i'm trying to teach my daughter not to be:))
I "like" you on facebook
I follow you on twitter. And by the way, the skinny jeans look fantastic on you!
Do they come in maternity????
Tweeted today
don't you look fancy in those jeans.
I follow your blog. I want fancy jeans.
Tweeted today
I'd have to go with the Samantha boot cut. I certainly need a miracle. My 6th baby was born 2 years ago, and I'm still carrying around a 50 pound bag of dog food, so to speak. It would be nice to feel good again. :)
I'm a follower now too!
Tweeted today. Mama needs a new pair of jeans!
- I follow your blog.
- I like you on facebook.
- I follow you on twitter.
- I tweeted.
- I like MiracleBody on facebook.
- I would looooooooove a pair of straight leg jeans! Pretty please!
Follow on Facebook :-) Love the jeans (& blog!!)
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