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Saturday, July 21, 2012

T-Mobile Summer Safety Event

This week I had the pleasure of hosting an event at the T-Mobile store in American Fork, Utah (south of Salt Lake City). The purpose of the event was to educate guests on ways to keep their families, their devices, and their content safe this summer (and beyond).

We got to learn more about programs such as FamilyWhere (locating where your family members are via their phone and making sure they're where they need to be WHEN they need to be there), Family Allowances (setting limits on minutes, text messages, and data, as well as making sure the kids' phones are OFF when they're at school, or supposed to be sleeping), and Lookout Mobile Security (scanning your phone on a regular basis to protect against malware).

It was very serious instruction.

We also had prizes, and therefore winners.

 See that cracked screen? So glad she won a new phone!

We enjoyed conversation and each others' company . . . 

. . . and everyone went home with a kind swag bag.

To learn more about what T-Mobile offers be sure to check out their facebook page, follow T-Mobile on twitter, and also search the hashtags #TMobileSummer and #SLC to find out what people are saying about what they've learned from T-Mobile's Summer Safety events.

Thanks to everyone who attended the event! And thanks to T-Mobile for looking out for our safety during the summer!

***Don't forget to enter my giveaway - You can win a T-Mobile SpringBoard - Hurry, Giveaway ends on Monday!***

Disclosure: I am being compensated for my participation in this campaign and informational details regarding products and services have been provided to me; be assured, however, that opinions about devices, programs, and all else in this post are genuinely mine.


Emily said...

This was SO much fun! And I think even Nathan had a great time. The T-Mobile pink shirt helped I'm sure. :)

SherRon said...

I am in love with my new phone! This is the first time I've never longed for my former phone after getting a new one. Thank you so much for this event! I had a great time and it was wonderful to meet you!

Thanks again,

Karen Mello Burton said...

The safety features and limits you can set on cell phones (texting, blocking calls, etc) are so cool!