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Friday, August 17, 2012

Help the Child, Help the Mother

TODAY'S THE DAY! I am honored to be working with The United Nations Foundation as a contributor to their month-long Blog Relay - Blogust - as part of their Shot@Life Campaign. Yesterday, the relay baton was held by Liz from This Full House, and today it's my turn. For every comment left on this post, $20 will be donated to the United Nations Foundation and 4 life-saving vaccines will be given to a child in need - $20 per comment up to a maximum of $200,000 to reach 10,000 children . PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND SHARE TO SPREAD THE WORD: COMMENTS HERE ARE WORTH $20 AND ARE SAVING LIVES TODAY!

Throughout my years of blogging, I’ve been inspired by so many people, not just who write their own blogs, but who participate in the conversation through their thoughtful comments.

Each October since 2005, I’ve written about the loss of my son Taylor. Those who have contributed to that conversation have brought peace to my mind and heart, not only at the time they initially commented, but over the years as I’ve reread their words of support. I thank all of you who have contributed to that peace.

Today, it’s our opportunity to share that peace, that support, with mothers around the world.

One thing I remember my doctor telling me when doing his best to explain the circumstances surrounding my son’s death, is, “There’s nothing you did to cause this, and there’s nothing you could have done to prevent it.” That idea has rolled around in my mind for years: as a mom, I did everything I could to save my son’s life, and that idea has brought me a measure of comfort.

My desire has been, for almost 12 years now, to help those who are dealing with the loss a child, whether a miscarriage, a stillbirth, or an infant, toddler, or child death. Earlier this year, I learned that there are areas in the world where the death of children (from easily preventable diseases) is so commonplace that when it happens the mothers of these children don’t even cry.

Did you catch that? The mothers, when their children die, don’t even cry. Because death is a probable, even an expected, part of childhood in their part of the world.

This idea knocks the breath out of me. Those mothers. I want to hold them and tell them it’s okay . . . knowing full well that I don’t know their world, I don’t know their culture. I still have a desire to help them, to do what I can to prevent that loss for them.

Many of the diseases from which so many children pass away are easily preventable with immunizations. You may not have $20 to donate to help, but you have your words. Your comments, today, are worth $20 each -- $20 to donate to the United Nations Foundation to give 4 life-saving vaccines to a child in need.

With your comment, you’re not only helping the child, you’re helping the mother. Your kind word will help, as my friend Tara’s words have helped me through the years. She made this comment in October, 2007, and I think the words apply to our Mother friends around the world:

Thank you, Tara! Thank you, All! Let's get as many comments as we can today, and we'll help comfort and strengthen mothers around the world. 

Tomorrow, the relay baton shall be passed to the lovely Ana from SpanglishBaby. Don't forget to head over there tomorrow to comment (and therefore donate) more!

Please feel free to share this post on twitter, or facebook, or any other way you feel comfortable doing so. To learn more and join the conversation, you can follow Shot@Life on Twitter, or like Shot@Life on facebook


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Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your child. I am also extremely happy that you have had this community surrounding you with love.

It it still unbelievable that the death of a child in developing nations is so commonplace that mothers do not cry. That is heartbreaking!

I am so happy that we are working on this initiative together and we are saving lives!

wendysue said...

Well, I'll be first!! What an amazing company, doing an amazing thing. You're right, we may have no idea how their life really is, but when you don't cry at the death of a child because you expected it, that is heartbreaking. So the Mother in me says yes, give these kids AND these Moms this simple Shot@life!!

Anonymous said...

I lost a son too--in 1991. I don't know how I would have gotten through it without my 3 1/2 year-old son to give me a reason to want to stay on earth instead of going to be with my baby in heaven. Since then I've survived cancer twice--when my son was nine and again when he was eighteen. God blessed me with the privilege of seeing all five of his graduations since that first diagnosis--from elementary school, middle school, high school, university, and last year law school. I celebrated his passing the California bar and have been blessed to see him succeed as a personal injury lawyer in the past nine months. There is so much for which to live, but mainly to bring others to a saving knowledge of our wonderful Lord.

I, too, was shocked and saddened to read of mothers for whom infant death is so predictable that they don't so much as shed a tear. May this wonderful campaign give such mothers a reason to rejoice over the continued lives of their little ones.

GCarroll said...

It is astounding what mothers must endure worldwide with their children.The contrast between your experience and the mothers who do not cry at the loss of a child is so extreme that the differences are hard to wrap my head around. I can't help thinking about the arduous and pain-filled road those mothers are on to get where they are about childhood death and disease. We can pretty well guess that they did not start their motherhood journey with dry tear ducts.

Thank you for sharing your own heartbreak. I am in daily awe of the bloggers on this relay. I think I shall forever be humbled by what we are doing this month!

Much Love!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing and participating in this cause. I'm learning so many inspiring stories through this relay!

Chrysula said...

There is so much we can do, and being a part of this is just one of them. Thank you for all you do to support others, including being a part of this.

La Yen said...

I don't want my kids to grow up in a world where other kids die because they are poor. We are so freaking blessed.

Ilina said...

What an awful plight for these mothers. Thanks for sharing your story.

Camden Watts said...

Thanks for sharing your story, and for doing something to make a positive difference in the world.

Kelli | Sweetness of Life & Motherhood said...

Like you, I'm blown away by the fact that childhood deaths are expected in other parts of the world. Thank you for participating in this program by sharing this post along with a little slice of your heart.

Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing!

dalene said...

Thanks for doing this, Jenny. Great cause.

LMW said...

This is an impressive program and very worthy cause. It's a rare opportunity to make a comment of mine worth $20, so how could I pass it up? Thank you for championing this cause.

Myrdin Thompson said...

Comments count. And this may be the second post to that effect since the first disappeared! That being said, thank you for supporting Shot@Life. We can make a difference.

Anissa Mayhew said...

Thank you for giving your child another beautiful legacy with every child that be helped with these words.

C.C. Chapman said...

Another great post for this awesome cause we are helping with!

Thank you for being a strong mother.

Jen from Mom It Forward said...

Thank you for sharing your story, Jenny. You are such a strong and amazing person. You bring so much happiness to lives. I'm glad that you are part of this campaign. xoxo

JC said...

Another worthy cause. It's amazing how much we take for granted here and how blessed we are. Hope you're able to raise a lot of cash. Keep it up!

swampbaby said...

JC told me I needed to go read your blog today, and I am so glad I did. What a great thing to be a part of! And I was more than surprised (and touched) to see that something I may have said helped you. Thanks for being great and being a part of something great!

Elena Sonnino said...

What a reminder of the realities that mothers around the world face from day to day. Thank you for sharing your story as part of Blogust! The impact of these posts and commments to help take away the need for those tears is powerful stuff.

Anonymous said...

I guess you could say this is "putting your money (or their money) where your mouth (or post)is" -- at any rate, hope this helps.

Lisa Z said...

Thank you, LaYen, for sharing this on your profile so I could comment here. It's hard not to take everyone up on this offer when it is so easy to do and helps so much.

L said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so happy that you are helping other Mom's to (hopefully) be able to hold their babies tight.

Cindy L said...

Thank you for the post!

Darin said...

Thanks to all of you who have made or will make a comment today! We all deal with different challenges in life and each day is a blessing. We may never meet the recipients of these vaccinations but we can feel fairly confident that today, our words will be adding days and possibly months and years of life to innocent children throughout the world. Thanks for sharing your time and love to bless lives!

Dalene @ A Date with a Book said...

Congrats to the company that is willing to put up $20 for my mere words in a comments. I think many of us with great health insurance take immunizations for granted because we don't have to think about it. Here is my contribution to those that do have to think about it and I hope it makes life easier for them.

Anonymous said...

You're a great American

jyl from @momitforward said...

Jenny... you are one of the most inspiring people I know! I loved chatting with you the other night more in depth about this and now reading it on your blog. You are amazing!


Unknown said...

Vaccinate. Vaccinate. Vaccinate. Vaccines work. Pseudoscience doesn't. Over and over and over again this is proven. The simplest way to help your children to a safe adulthood is to vaccinate them.

Thank you for your words.

Rebecca said...

What a great fundraising. Here's my two cents... or twenty dollars.

Levi said...

so glad i can leave a comment for a good cause! go you for doing this!

puppymuncher said...

Beautiful words

tracy@sellabitmum said...

Thank you for doing this. Such an important cause.

Anonymous said...

Somber reading. Really makes you think about the inequalities in the world.

Lauren said...

This is a great cause. Thank you for doing this!

Anonymous said...

So glad that there are people like you in the world working for a good cause and helping kids in need!

slovsr said...

Great blog! Thank you for putting your heart into this worthy cause.

Liz@thisfullhouse said...

Thank you for sharing your story. Your are an awesome inspiration and I am in awe of your strength. {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Sorry to hear of your loss.

bbs said...

Thank you for helping needy children around the world get some strong shoes of their own!

Becca said...

Jenny, You are an awesome Woman! I am so glad to say I know you... I appreciate you helping us help others and making us aware - blessings and love to you and your family.

Richard J. said...

You're doing a wonderful thing!

musthavebeen said...

This is a wonderful program. Thank you for all you're doing. I'm going to share your blog with my co-op and all my various Facebook groups.

Carissa(GoodNCrazy) said...

I heart you phread! Love shot@life and thrilled see so many ppl I know involved!!

Tiffany said...

I can't begin to imagine childhood death being so predictable and normal in some parts of the world. What a tragedy. I take A LOT for granted.

Chantelle Adams said...

We all have our struggles in life but to lose a child is in my eyes the most difficult and heart-breaking of them all. I wish I had been there to offer support those many years ago, but today I have heard your story and am inspired by your ability to help others out of your grief, to turn that struggle into an opportunity to make a difference in the world. Your son would be very proud of you for this! Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really great thing that you guys are doing! I hope your day goes well!

Julie Marsh said...

I'm so sorry about your son. I do love that blogging has given us a way to remember and share those memories with a broad audience of other parents. I'm honored to have a chance to "know" these children whom I never met.

Catherine said...

Our short time here on earth is precious. I hope these vaccines allow for many more souls to experience it more fully. Thank you for your post!

MMI said...

What a great cause. I know people around the world will be grateful for these vaccinations.

Hailey said...

I love this idea! And I love you!

Anonymous said...

This is a great thing. You are so inspiring!

Unknown said...

I didn't know you had lost a child. I feel sad for the mother you were then and for the sadness that must recur from time to time now. I love how you've channeled that sad experience into helping others. You inspire me!

Karen from Chookooloonks said...

Love that quote, friend. Thanks for always inspiring us to keep dancing.


Hello Ladies said...

Thank you for writing and sharing your story and I am sorry for your loss. When I was pregnant after a a miscarriage, I was supoorted by strangers on the Internet. They got me through nine months and became my friends.

Jeannette said...

Jenny, I loved meeting you at Evo. I had no idea about your son and I am so sorry about your loss. Thanks for helping other mothers avoid that heartbreak. May mothers stop thinking it's normal for a child to die.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your story on behalf of the many children who don't have the chance to share their own.

Ken Craig said...

I'm grateful to get to know you better through your blog/comment conversations. And good for you for being a part of something as wonderful as this. I hope you feel all the love today.

Margaret Busse said...

So glad you were able to take your loss and make something good from it. That is the challenge of life, isn't it?

Amanda said...

Thanks for sharing your story and your participation in this great project!

Doug J. said...

Jenny, What a great thing you are doing for children around the world. I had no idea such programs were available. I'm glad to help out in this cause. Best wishes.

Tori :) said...

What a great cause!! I will make sure to share. ((( hugs)))

NotaSupermom said...

When I heard that stat at EVO, about mothers in the Sudan not crying when their children died, I cried for them.
Great post. I hope these comments help a lot of children.

MM said...

Thanks for sharing your story and for your work. Hope this and other comments help!

Calley said...

This is such a good cause. Sharing with all my family and friends. Thank you so much for doing this.

TnD said...

Good luck and let's help lots of kids, and their mamas.

Anonymous said...

what a great idea to help children, especially when not all of us can spare the money to contribute directly.

Jon and Anna Bay said...

What a great cuase and opportunity for us to help simply by sharing our words. Words can be powerful :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story and for supporting this great cause.

Unknown said...

Beautiful post Jenny!

Linnea said...

This is such a great post. Thanks for bringing attention to an amazing cause!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful cause!

yeoda said...

What a great service and act you could do for these kids. :)

Philip said...

Thanks for sharing, and giving us the chance to help.

Erica said...

So sorry for you loss. It's great you found a way to help others!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything you do.

Megan said...

I can't imagine living at a time where a single disease could wipe out an entire family. Thanks for supporting this !

Patricia said...

I'm so sorry about your loss mama! I'm glad you are helping others through you blog <2

Mikey said...

Thank you!

Emil said...

I've made it my goal to comment on each and every one of the pieces for blogust. A lump in my throat while thinking about all those mothers...

The comment you referred to reminds me of a poem I keep close to my heart. In this case I found it credited to a Mary Stevenson.

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you."

Anonymous said...

A wonderful program to help children in other countries.

Chelle! said...

This is such a great cause. I will share it. Thanks!!!

Sarah said...

Thank you for participating in this program. It's easy to understand children in third world countries dying because they lack the funds to vaccinate...but I know of people right here- educated, wealthy people- who refuse to vaccinate their children. Their children will probably not encounter the diseases because most of us are vaccinated...but how would they feel if they lived in a place where the death of a child is expected?
What a great cause to be a part of! Thanks for posting!

Kathleen said...

happy to comment! A worth ycause.

Green Mountain Mama said...

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help - I was struck by your comment "There was nothing you could have done" - but this is something we can all do. And easily.

Unknown said...

Just browsing today.

Kristin said...

What an amazing tribute and memorial for your child. Shot@Life is such a phenomenal program.

Unknown said...

Wonder thing you do for all these childern.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story and giving us the opportunity to help others. I feel so blessed not only to have healthy children but be able to help them if that were to change.

Sili said...

I'm enjoying getting to know new bloggers through the month. Thank you for participating in this great cause!

Lisa said...

Preventable, expected, ..these words make my cry! Thank you for doing this!

trekker9er said...

I wish no one has to experience loosing a child. Here's to one more saved.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Stephanie said...

The moving comment from your friend is an inspiration to us all to provide the same kind of support when our own friends face tragedy. Thank you so much for this post, and for honoring the memory of your son by supporting vaccination of children all over the world.

christina said...

Amazing, glad that I happened to see this today!

Cari said...

You said everything so perfectly. I love the emphasis you put on the mothers, not just the kids, who would benefit from donations. Thank you for sharing!

tricia said...


La Yen said...

I am promoting the heck out of this, because it is awesome.

Emily said...

I love you, Jenny. And I love this campaign.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing!

I couldn't imagine losing my baby boy and not even shedding a tear. I want to cry for those mothers! And to think that so many American parents are in a country where vaccines are widely available and are against them. It makes me so sad for their children.

Anonymous said...

This is such a great project! I would like to say that one of the most things that frustrates me about vaccines is knowing that there are children dying because they can't get the vaccines. Yet my sister who has ready and affordable access to the vaccines, refuses to get them for her kids because she is convinced that the government is trying to "sneak" stuff past her. I hope we can send SO much help and vaccines!

Emily McKhann said...

I am so very sorry for the loss of your son, and appreciate so much how you've found the strength to move on, and how much your community here has mattered to you.

Thank you for being a part of this with us!

Ben said...

Thanks for doing this!

Frieda Loves Bread said...

Ditto. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad my children are vaccinated and living productive lives!

Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

What a sweet comment from Tara. I love it - it's so true. Thank you for writing about's a great cause. I'll spread the word so you can get comments galore!

jake roi said...

Well done Phread. Happy to comment on so worthy a blog post.

jake roi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

Sharing these stories is such a powerful way to help the healing process for losses such as yours. Our hearts go out to you and the families around the world who have lost a child.

Thankfully, vaccines help protect children from many life-threatening diseases. Let's make sure that everyone has access to the vaccines they need.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Beautiful post Jenny.

lisa said...

As I read your post, my friend, Carina's image kept swimming in front of my eyes (maybe that was the tears). Anyway, I just kept hoping that some of these vaccines make their way to Haiti and and those sweet babies there. Thank you and all the bloggers participating and the Shot@Life camapign.


~Amanda F~ said...

It's awesome that you (and all of those that comment) have the opportunity to save lives with words. What a great program- I hope you get a ton of comments! Already more than 100 at 9:30am- looking pretty good :)

Anonymous said...

This is such a great opportunity to share something that we tend to take for granted. To those who receive it, though, it is a wonderful gift. Thank you so much for this chance to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all you do

Anonymous said...

So happy that you are doing this, and so happy to help support it. I'm so sorry for your own loss.

Beth said...

Thank you so much for your entry. I grew up in the Congo. There may be other countries where Mothers don't cry but in our primitive culture I remember the absolute WAILING with the death of a child. It was always gut wrenching. May we NEVER take a life for granted. Go shot@life!!

L.Edwards said...

As a mother in America its hard to see these things go on.. Our hearts and prayers go out to these mothers and children. Its heartbreaking .. Godbless you all for whats being done here!! I know your son is watching from heaven and is truly proud of what your doing for these families... You are amazing!!!

christy smith said...

Thank you so much for sharing

WSW said...

This is about the most fabulous campaign I've ever come across and I've learned a lot reading all these amazing stories.

Garrett R said...

I can't imagine losing a child. I know it happens every minute of every day, but knowing you did all you could might be a tiny comfort. Thanks for sharing this story.

Nick said...

My daughter has been telling me all about this and I do what she tells me :). But I'm so glad she shared this because this is really amazing. Thanks for your story.

Brenda said...

You are doing some really good things here! Thanks so much for telling your story and opening it up to mothers everywhere.

Keira N. said...

I love you and your cause, Jenny - and I think it's great that you've gotten such overwhelming success with this post. I'll never forget our experiences as Young Women helping you through your loss of Taylor.

Rebecca said...

It is heartbreaking to me that the loss of a child should be commonplace anywhere in our world.

Wonder Woman said...

I'm crying for those women without tears and little hands to hold.

GlobalSoul said...

Thank you for sharing your story and shining your light. ~✿~

Jenny said...

I truely believe that it is a defining moment in a persons life and character when they choose to use what they have learned from trials and adversity to help, support, and uplift others. Thank you for your post and support of Shot@Life.

Kate said...

What a wonderful opportunity! Thank you for helping us all help out a little!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your column today Jenn. I, too, was touched by hearing that the mothers do not cry when losing a child to disease. I doubt that means that they do not feel the loss. It's just that they're resigned to their lives and fate. How wonderful that something like this can be used to provide some hope for those mothers and their children. I think we will all shed tears for them today.

Lucrecer said...

Blessings come in all kinds of opportunities. Thank you for sharing your story.

Semi Granola Mom said...

Thanks for sharing!

Carina said...

Vaccines save babies.

Anonymous said...

Just a short note. Thanks for the work.

Unknown said...

Great cause

Julie said...

Thank you for sharing your story and your thoughts. I am so lucky to live in Aeric with access to medicines!

Anonymous said...

Lets Do This!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for providing a way for us all to make a big difference in a small way.

Jessie said...

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help. I'll be sharing on Twitter.

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing this! And thank you all for participating!

Unknown said...

Thank you for doing this! And thank you all for participating!

Living the Scream said...

It's amazing how words of comfort from others even complete strangers can help so much during a difficult time. What a neat program this is. Thanks for posting this Jenny.

Steph said...

As if it was possible... I love you even more now. You are amazing, inspiring, and obviously sprinkled with the most magical of unicorn glitter.

Aimee@The Stylish Nest said...

LOL @Stephanie, but I agree. Magical unicorn indeed. This post touched my heart, and I hope that this program helps many.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Thank you for doing this and inspiring so many of us!

Ann said...

Thank you for being part of this effort. I admire how you have channeled your pain into a way of helping others. Your description of mothers who so expect the death of their child fully describes why this venture is necessary.


Cooper Munroe said...

Thank you for your beautiful words and deeds. I'm so sorry for your loss and so grateful for your wisdom.

sherry said...

Thank you so much for sharing this post.. I read it but ll I could think about was the word.. the child dies and they don't even cry..
beautifully written and thanks for sharing. We need to make sure all kids are protect.

Gerb said...

You have always been and continue to be an inspiration to me. This is such a wonderful cause to be a part of!

Morra said...

The strength you have shown is incredible. Thank you for supporting other mothers and children. no mom should ever have to be moved to tears of pain over her child.

Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...

What an amazing story and an amazing cause!

Leanne said...

This is such an amazing cause. Thank you so much for this inspiring post and for helping others. I'm so sorry to hear about your son. Thank you for sharing and strengthening others.

Unknown said...

Beautiful post friend. I love you. No mother should ever have to cry. No mother should ever have to choose if they will cry or not.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Such a great cause!

Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

My husband is a chiropractor, which, unfortunately, a lot of people think means 'hippie doctor' or 'witch doctor' or simply anti-medical. But our view is, and has always been, that medicine, drugs, and especially vaccines are HUGELY important and do so much good! Many of our friends and fellow student families from chiropractic school were staunchly anti-medicine and chose not to vaccinate their children (and even acted shocked and appalled that we would vaccinate our son!), but I think this stems from a misunderstanding about how vitally important they are and how they work, and from simply not knowing or understanding the huge damage these preventable diseases cause in other parts of the world! Choosing not to vaccinate is very much a first-world, American luxury, and while their children will probably be okay without being vaccinated, I think that if some of our anti-vaccination crusader friends took a visit to a country ravaged by diseases that could so easily be prevented with vaccines, they might change their tune!

Nikkala said...

I'm a big proponent of immunizations. Thank you for sharing.

Remodelaholic said...

Thank you for sharing your story, and giving us this opportunity! I shared it on my facebook and twitter... I hope we get a ton of comments for these sweet kiddos!

Jessie said...

this is really great, thank you and that quote from swampbaby brought tears to my eyes.

Jim said...

Thank you.

Lori S. said...

Such a little thing that I can do, and it will help so much. I am glad to do it! Jenny you are amazing! What an amazing thing you are doing to help these children, and I am so proud to call you my friend.

Felisa Hilbert said...

thank for sharing your story
and for helping mothers to enjoy seeing their children grow older and have some milestones. I am from a developing country and I worked as a former nurse there. I saw the pain and agony of many mothers and I knew they will do everything to save their children but they were so poor and without any access to medical care and they accept their situation with courage. I saw resignation, quiet suffering and stoic aptitudes. I saw them crying in desperation and quickly wiping their tears and made the arrangements for their funeral... Sorry for the lost of your son and thank you for all the goodness your spreading around. today you are giving hope to mothers and children around the world... and this time we can do something about it! with only a comment we can prevent the death of more children. What a easy way to save a life!

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful, Jenny. I can only imagine. And I bet you never lose that feeling of someone not being there. Keep doing what you do!

Anonymous said...

Doing my part for this beautiful cause. God bless all kids, mothers and families around the world.

Anonymous said...

I love this. I've always wanted to help the children who are so less fortunate in the world. I see pictures of them on FB and every social media site and all you could do was "like for a prayer". I am financially limited and prayer is all I have, but I love that by leaving just a comment, someone else can help to donate money to help make a difference. Because honestly, that's what keeps these children going just a little bit longer. Thank you for being that difference!

Lindy said...

Hope to help some mothers around the world hold healthy babies.

Rosalyn said...

Heartbreaking. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to help!

Kathy G said...

Thanks for the chance to pitch in!

AubreyB said...

Glad to help.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your son, but what a great use of a blog for a great cause!

Joseph said...

Happy to help!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Happy Blogust. So pleased that you are participating in this awesome effort! Lots of comments today - looks like you are going to raise a lot.

Angela said...

Thanks for another great post- keep up the good works.

Anonymous said...

Great cause. I can comment.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. Thank you also for participating in blogust. It is amazing that we can make a difference this way!

Melissa said...

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help and for sharing your story.

QueenScarlett said...

We shouldn't live in a world where mothers don't cry when their kids die, because they expect it to happen. No. I refuse. Let's make this ShotAtLife happen. Because we care - others will care.

Jennifer said...

Thank you for the reminder of how blessed we are. I can't imagine living in a situation where childhood deaths are common.

You are a part of a great cause!

Deena said...

This is awesome.

FoxyJ said...

Anything I can to help babies have a better life. Thanks for hosting this!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. Thanks for doing this.

Raejean said...

I ache for you and other mom's who have suffered the loss of a child. You are awesome to share your experience and reach out to help other moms from additional loss.

Anonymous said...

You have a fantastic blog and this is a wonderful project. Thank you!

Jonny J said...

I beleive in science.

Anonymous said...

As a nurse, mother and grandmother, I am happy to support your efforts to provide more immunizations world wide. I admire how you have turned a personal tragedy into an effort to help other families. God bless you!

Unknown said...

Sorry about your child. This is a good cause.

Unknown said...

Thank you for helping me help others!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how we take soap, clean water, a series of shots at the doctor's office, and general health for granted...until we are reminded by efforts like yours and Shot@Life. Thank you.

Christian F said...

Nice post. Here's 4 life saving vaccines! It seems like I should do more than this.

Monica said...

What a great thing this is! We really are so blessed with the lives we lead and yet there are so many that lack so much. I hope I can do more in the future to help.

Anonymous said...

Every life has value. Had the child not died of a preventable illness, he or she may have discovered a cure for a type of cancer. A loss of life is a loss of potential.

I am so sorry fo your loss, but I am glad you continue to inspire others to realize the vast possibilities of communion and accountability with and for one another.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing this! What a great cause to participate in...

Andie said...

Wonderful post. Thank you so so much! This is a great way to donate and help others.

helenjane said...

I'm in love with you, your family and the spirit you bring to the world. So excited for this program!

Anonymous said...

What a Happy way to help. This makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful cause!

justjill said...

what a great place to focus our love and comfort and strengthen mothers around the world. motherhood is a gift for which I will be forever grateful.

Liza said...

Heard you on RFH this morning, so I headed over to help out.

I appreciate your willingness to share your story and help other moms who have to deal with the loss of a child. I cannot imagine the pain and am sending positive thoughts and love your way!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for helping others and for helping others to help others!!

adriennep said...

Reading this post while nursing my tiny two-week-old, who was born in a clean hospital, has already had his hepatitis B vaccine, his PKU screening, and whose immunizations are scheduled in 6 weeks. We are fortunate. We'd do anything for our babies (like nursing them even when it makes our toes curl in pain), and for the most part we can. How tragic to have their lives endangered for lack of $5.

MelanieAlison said...

The thought of losing just one of my children horrifies me. This event is just SO important!

Barbara Bakes said...

Such an easy way to support a great cause. Thanks for your post!

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