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Monday, February 18, 2013

Omron Fitness Equipment

Week six weight loss: 1 lb. (Total loss during challenge: 15 lbs.)

These past six weeks participating in the #iHeartOmron Fitness Challenge have been interesting. I’ll continue to use the equipment I’ve received. My opinion is that Omron makes high-quality products.

I’ve learned that I really like having a pedometer - it’s kind of my new favorite. Using a pedometer is an easy way to keep track of how active I’ve been throughout the day (or not). The one downside is that it sometimes falls off. I definitely recommend putting your personal contact information on the pedometer in case it gets lost.

The scale I received is great. I already owned a scale when I got my Omron scale, but having a full body sensor was new. I had only seen those things at the gym. Keeping an eye on weight is important, but so is having an idea of what your BMI is, as well as other aspects of your health composition, which is how having a full body sensor is helpful.

The strapless heart rate monitor is great, too. Wearing it isn’t any more invasive than wearing a watch, and you can keep track of your activity as well as monitor your heart rate and intensity of your workout. My kids are always asking if they can wear it.

This week is the #iHeartOmron and #Mamavation Twitter party, where the winners of this challenge will be announced. Also, there will be six additional winners: 2 pedometers will be given away, 2 scales/full body monitors will be given away, and 2 strapless heart rate monitors will be given away. In order to win, be certain to RSVP for the Twitter party (all details are on that page) and mark your calendars for this Wednesday, February 20th, 8-10 Eastern Time.

Thank you to Omron Fitness, the Mamavation Network, and all the other participants in the #iHeartOmron Fitness Challenge for all the support and helpful information. It’s always great to have people cheering you on, and no workout is ever wasted. 

This post is sponsored by Omron Fitness as a collaboration with Bookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation - a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families. I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions.


Candy said...

OOh I gotta go RSVP! Way to go during the challenge! I need to find my pedometer to get back into the steps..

Tiffany @ Real Mom Talk said...

15 pounds is amazing! Congratulations! I am so ready for the Twitter party, I NEED to win me a HRM, lol!

Joanna @way2gomom said...

Congratulations on your loss! That is awesome! You've done a great job during the campaign, and I love that your kids keep asking to wear the HRM, that is soooo my kids too LOL