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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Where Will You Go In 2014?

I got an email last month with a subject line that made me chuckle: Evanston, Las Vegas or Paris. Where will you go in 2014? As if anyone who could choose between those three would take a moment to ponder. Wait, that's not fair. Maybe someone would choose Vegas because they love warm weather and prefer fake Eiffel towers. Maybe someone would choose Evanston because they love...buying fireworks at Chevron.

Last year, at the beginning of the year, my friend Linz (@linzlinzlinz) entered a facebook contest wherein she had to list her resolutions, so she went all out and said she wanted to take her family to Disneyland, buy a new car, move to a new house, and lose a few pounds. By the end of the year guess what. Every single one of those things had happened for her. 

It happens, sometimes you put stuff out there and it comes back to you. 

Like, for instance, my word for the year is Cheese.

Just kidding. 

But if I could go anywhere this year it would be to New York City with my family (before my kids are all too old to discover playing around in Central Park), and also to Hawai'i with my family (my kids all love the beach, and is there a place on this planet that smells better than O'ahu?). No offense, Evanston. 

There are other things I have on my list, do I dare share them? Okay: a new bed, a computer, a car. Or two. A working garage door opener.

One thing I do know: tonight I get to go back to the Hale Theater in Orem and perform 96,000 with my In The Heights cast again. That's not nothing (it's kind of a little of everything). 

What about you? Where will you go this year? Do tell. 


cabesh said...

Realistically: Florida, Grandma's house and maybe Utah? (And of course Philly, Washington D.C. and NYC).

In my dreams: Everywhere. I want to go everywhere. Seriously. If I had to choose where to go first I'd say England, Austria, Germany, Australia,

~j. said...

cabesh - have you been to those Everywhere places before?