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Thursday, November 03, 2016

How Much Did I Save?

No, that title isn’t a teaser-- I’m really asking you.

Shopping at thrift stores (thrifting?) has never really been my strong suit. I'm learning. If I see something put together on a model or in a picture I can get a good idea of what I want, but hunting for clothes has been a challenge.

With the Grand Opening of Deseret Industries in Springville (a.k.a. South-By-Southeast Provo), I decided to give it a(nother) try.

Here’s what I found and brought home:

These pants-- with tags still attached-- for my daughter:

These scout shirts (I’m only showing you one, but I bought two-- one in a bigger size for later) for my son:

These dresses:

These snow pants:

**Yo, those pink pants? With tags? Burton brand. Srsly.**

This costume:

My total?


Now, I don’t know what the total would have been had I gotten these things directly from their original store rather than gently used at DI, but I know at least one of those dresses would have been way more than $77 on its own.

Deseret Industries
645 South 1750 West
Springville, Utah
(the 400 South exit; located to the East of W*M, just across the street)

I think it’s a good location to take some of the crowding away from the Provo store. There are a lot of families in Southern Utah County who can donate and shop here (and probably fewer college students just dumping their junk, amirite?).

*#spon post, and I’m telling you my truth. Follow #DeseretIndustries to see what others have found at the new DI.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Dude. A Sundance dress? That's a score right there.